Chapter 3 - 0

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      The five boys were talking near the fire place with no fire lit in it when. Newt was dragging Alette towards them and she tripped over he feet slightly as he did. He hoped over one ofthe logs by the fire and she awkwardly stepped over it. Newt burst into the group with Alette in tow. "Guys! Guys! This is Alette, she's my best friend!"

      Alette chuckled slightly and looked away shyly. The third of the three now known as 'the hot one' in Alette's mind gasped and touched his chest mocking shock and hurt. "And here I thought I was your best friend!"

      They all chuckled and Newt laughed with a big toothy grin. Newt grabbed Alette's other hand and stood in front of her holding both of her hands. Newt stomped his foot lightly still laughing. "Noooope! She's my best friend!"

      Alette blushed and the group focused on her closely. She could see some shock in all of their face. With an awkward smile Alette tucked a small piece of still damp dark hair behind her ear. Attempting to be casual she introduced herself. "I'm Alette, it's uh good-"

     The snake like one interrupted her. He stepped right up to her and pointed up to her. Newt moved to her side and kept two hands on her leg. Newt was already pretty attached to Alette. The snake like one started to talk to her in a menacing voice. "We already know who you are, girl. Pan told us all, and let me tell you something. Girls don't belong her-"

      The hot one placed a hand on the snake ones shoulder and pulled him away. He nodded back to the eldest who grabbed the snake like ones arm and started to lead him into the forest. With a warm smile the hot one turned to Alette and put his hand out to shake. Alette shook it as he said. "It's a pleasure Alette, I'm Wyatt."

     She nodded to him and Wyatt looked around at the guys. He stood beside the Japanese one and Alette saw Wyatt elbow him gently. The Japanese one rolled his eyes and looked at Alette. "I'm Bishamon, call me Amon."

      Wyatt glared across the circle at the youngest one who had been sanding there silently. Alette got the feeling that they didn't really like her. She nearly frowned, she would have to change that. The youngest one gave her a half smile and said. "Ravid, it's a pleasure."

      Ravid rolled his eyes and looked back at Wyatt. Wyatt kept a charming smile on his face, however his companions seemed less inclined to open up to her. Alette turned to Ravid. "Your name means to wander you know."

      Ravid didn't react to her small attempt at starting a conversation. The five stood there awkwardly for a while before Amon looked over at Alette. He scanned her over and raised an eyebrow. "So your the girl Pan thinks can make it?"

      Alette looked over at him slightly confused and shocked. What did he mean the girl who can make it? Besides why should she care if Pan thinks something? Still she was intrigued by what Pan may have had to say about her. "Sorry, but what do you mean?"

      Wyatt looked like he was about to rip Amon's head off. As if Amon had just blurted out the biggest secret they had. All the while Alette could feel Newt's tiny hands on her knee cap. Alette crossed her arms and inquisitively looked around at the three older boys. Wyatt slowly started to explain. "Well we've never really had a lost girl. Pan thinks you may be the first."

      Alette was utterly shocked. How could she be the only girl? That simply didn't make any sense, surely other girls could do- whatever it was these boys did. Alette didn't quite understand, girls could do anything boys could do. Alette's shock must have been visible on her face because Amon stepped in. "Girls usually aren't- tuff- enough to survive here."

      Alette looked at them in confusion, she wasn't sure how to take that. She opened her mouth to say something when the snake like boy and the eldest member of their group rejoined them. The snake like one did not look happy and had an awful scowl on his face. Begrudgingly the snake like one looked up at eldest one. The eldest one pushed the snake like one infront of Alette. The snake like one started to speak to her in a grumbly voice. "I'm Arnost,"

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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