OMG, I Think I'm in love with the blood slave my dad got me! Part 5

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Chapter 4.

As soon as my teeth sank into her skin I knew she was not human. The blood was too pure. She was otherworldly, but why did she act human. The though made me shove her away. She was flying through the air before I knew what I was doing. To my utter disbelief she turned and landed in the perfect crouch. She was not human.

"What are you?" I asked the bitterness showing in my voice. This girl made me feel. I don't want to feel I like my empty life.

"What do you mean what am i? I'm human." She said shaking a little from what had just happen I saw the blood running down from the small wound on her neck she didn't seem to notice.

"No you're not." Her eyes were god again then there was a flash of light from the other side of the room to her. Turning there was a man there with wings. There was a blood angel in my room. "Who are you?" I asked this room was getting crowded. "She fallen" said the angel. The pained look was in his eyes. "What did you do? Why did you fall who pushed you out?" his words seemed to get through to her she blinked and looked at him.

"I broke the rules brother." Her voice defiantly sounded other worldly. Good she was pretty. "Our father pushed me Blake. You should not come here he will do it to you. His words were death to all who associate themselves with me. Now go." Her words were final. She knew how she was now. Then her wings, what am I say they just appeared from nowhere they were bright white. The male nodded and vanished just like he appeared. She was still standing in the corner.

"So how did you do it, be human all these years?" I asked her the more I looked at the more I fell for her but I could not fall for an angle.

"I was re-born in to a human body when I was born I was human. Until now I didn't know I was anything other than human." That still didn't answer my question.

"Ok how did the guy before me no know you were an angel?"

"He was stupid. I didn't know how he could. He only wanted to feed and hurt me, that's it."

So in other word this guy was a bit of an idiot. Oh well, I will have to deal with this myself my father had better not know about this he would kill her the first instant he got. No wonder she healed me then ran away she thought I was going to kill her. But how could I she's so pretty it makes your eyes hurt not to look at her.

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