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We are all on teams. Kaelib, Lena, ness, Rath, then on the other was Carlisle, Lucas, Eddy and I. We were playing a game of capture the flag. Each team had a flag that was hidden in the forest with a guardian to keep it safe. Kaelib was the guardian of the blue team, and Eddy was the guardian for my team. We had to get the flag at any cost, whether we used magic, portals, was up to us. We face eachother in lines, three against three.

"5, 4, 3, 2, GO! " We all shout as we run towards eachother. Lena takes a swing at me but I duck and kick her legs out from underneath her, running into the forest amongst the trees. I see a blurred shape running along side of me, and instantly see it as Rath. I keep running, always keeping a eye on, whe I see him jump up into the trees, I couldn't see him anymore, which was bad. I hear branches snap above my head and just as I take another step, I open a portal, and run into it. It opens back up a few feet away. I look back as I run and see Rath looking confused. I giggle as I run, and feel a strong force hit my chest. I fall back with an 'Oof' I look up to see Lena smiling.

"Sorry sweety, but you ain't gettin that flag." I roll baclwards and stay in a crouch, smiling at her.

"Let's see about that." I let my shadow self take over, and feel my sight heighten as Lena let's her shadow self take over. I feel my hands grow hot as light starts to pour from them as I aim them at Lena. She hisses in pain and covers her eyes. I run at her and kick her in the stomach. She doubles over and I knee her in the chest. She goes flying back, and hits a tree. She lays unmoving, but I know she is alright. I turn and run again, sniffing and smelling the sweet smell of my mate. I come to a clearing near a lake, to see the flag, without a guardian. I don't race for it, I watch. I hear branches crack as Carlisle runs out of the trees and towards the flag. I circle the clearing getting closer and closer. Then Kaelib appears. He jumps down from a tall tree, landing on Carlisles back and flipping them over. I watch them closely as I edge my way towards the flag. Carlisle burst into flames, just as Kaelibs skin crackles with lightning. I get so close to the flag, before my legs are swept out from underneath me, and Ness his hissing in my face, her eyes and tongue that of a snake, some scales showing on her neck. She grabs me by the neck before lifting me up in the air, my legs dangling as I gasp for air. She goes to throw me, but a big wolf figure barges at her and knocks her ten feet away, her hand dropping  me as she goes flying. I nod at Lucas as he races towards Carlisle, while I race towards the flag.

I grab the flag and open a portal, stepping through, but getting pulled back by the coller of my shirt. I am slammed into the ground, but not as hard as I thought I would be. Hovering above me is Kaelib. He's breathing heavily but smirking at me.

"I gotcha baby" He says. I smile.

"Yes you have, but I have your flag." I say as I slide my hands underneath my back. He grins evily as he leans down, his breath blowing against my neck which makes me shiver.

"Well I guess I'm just going to have to take it off you." His voice is low and smooth as he kisses my neck. I bite my lip as I smile to myself. I knew exactly what I was going to do. I moan softly as I lift my back up shoving the flag in the back of my pants. To Kaelib it seemed like I was leaning in to his touch. He takes this as a sign to run his hands down my sides which makes me shiver. Maybe I wouldn't get far in my plan, but hey, I was having a good time either way.

He rubs small circles on my stomach with his thumb as I wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer. Now it was time to execute my plan. I roll us over so I am straddling Kaelibs waist, my hands on his chest. I lean down as I kiss his coller bone and up his neck. I kiss just below his ear as I feel him shiver. I bite my lip, feeling sorry for what I was about to do.

"I'm sorry Kaelib." I whisper right before I knee him in his sensitive area. I Hear him grunt and groan as I get up and sprint back into the forest. I hear Carlisle and Lucas on each side of me, running through the trees. Up ahead I see the making of a portal and I duck and slide along the ground just as it opens. My momentum gives me enough push to stand, so I continue running as I make it to the front of the house and slam the flag on the ground panting. 

Carlisle and Lucas highfive, while I stand there with a big smile on my face, breathing hard. Ness and Lena walk out of the forest, and just behinde them is Rath supporting Kaelib as he limps out of the forest. I hear Carlisle burst into laughter as he sees Kaelib and looks at me.

"You did that?" I nod shamfully. This makes Carlisle laugh harder as Rath sets Kaelib on the steps. Kaelib can barely sit down and I cringe at the amount of pain I put him in.

"Kaelib....are you alright?" He looks at me. No expression.

"You kneed me in the balls. Do you think I'm alright?" I shrug.

"You could be, I didn't knee you that hard." His expression changes to shock.

"Not that hard?! I think you broke them!" He whines as he whimpers in pain. I smile slightly and walk over to him.

"Well an ice pack should make them better." A glint flares in his eyes.

"Or you could just make them better." I gasp and feel my face turn the colour of a tomato at his words. His expression softens.

"Awww! look at your cheeks! They're so red!" He coos. I hide my face in my hands as the others laugh. Kaelibs wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tightly as he places a kiss on my head. Lena clapped her hands together.

"How bout hand to hand combat?" Kaelib groans and mumbles.

"More like knee to balls combat." I couldn't help but giggle at that. Kaelib looks at me evily.

"You're going down" He says right before he tickled me. Now to say that I was ticklish was an understatement. I was extreamly ticklish. I laughed and squeeled as I wriggled around begging for him to stop.

"Nope! You hurt my jewels so imma tickle you" I gasp for breath.

"Pleeeeaaaaase Kaelib!!" I beg and he dulls down the tickling and looks into my eyes.

"No" And he continues to tickle me.

"I'll do anything!! I promise!!!!" He stops and smiles at me.

"Anything?" He says evily. I gulp regretting what I was about to say.

"Yes...." He claps his hands.

"Well this should be interesting!" I sighs as he stands up, still limping slightly.

"What I want you to do will require you to accompany me to my room." I look at him slighyly hesitant of what he wanted me to do. He pulls me inside and wraps his arms around me from behinde me whispering in my ear.

"Don't worry baby girl, its nothing like that" He kisses my shoulder and smiles at me. My tense shoulder relax at his words.

"I wouldn't push you unless I thought you were ready" I blush at his words as we enter his room.

He sits me onthe couch and walks into his wardrobe and comes out with a satin black middle thigh length dress. He smiles as he sees my eyes widen.

"You need to put this on and start getting ready. We're leaving at 6" He lays the dress on the bed and starts to walk out the room when I call his name.

"Kaelib! what's the dress for?" I asked slightly confused. he gives a crooked smile.

"Well our date of course." and with that he walks out.


well, I would have edited it, but my sister got to impatient and told me to update right now.

Blame her


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