Chapter 3

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"You sick Bast**d" shouted Kyo, as Dia growled and opened her eyes seeing she was in her bed, she got changed into jeans and wore Shigure's baggy shirt, since she couldn't find one of hers. She opened her door and made her way downstairs and saw Kyo and Yuki glaring at Shigure, as Tohru was making breakfast. Dia sighed and sat down beside Shigure. "Dia my darling" he said, as Dia glared at him. "One wrong word Shigure and I damage that face of yours" said Dia, as Shigure smiled nervously and continued reading. "Shouldn't you three be off for school" said Dia, as they nodded. "Oh but Shigure's breakfast" said Tohru, as Dia smiled and put her hand on Tohru's head. "Don't worry Tohru... that's what I'm here for" said Dia, as Tohru smiled and nodded walking with Yuki and Kyo to school. Dia watched them off and then walked to the kitchen, she made an omelette and then placed it in front of Shigure. Shigure paused and looked at it "Uh" said Shigure, as Dia sighed and picked up the fork and took a piece of omelette and put it in her mouth and ate it. "Happy? it's not poisonous" said Dia, as Shigure sighed nervously and ate it. "So are you going to look for a job?" asked Shigure, as Dia sighed. "No... I can't stand the thought of someone bossing me around" said Dia, as Shigure sighed. "You never did" smirked Shigure, as Dia sighed and lifted up her baggy shirt a little and tied it like a bikini top. "I hate the summer... it's so hot" whined Dia, as she laid back on the floor, not noticing that Shigure was blushing and was trying to avoid eye contact. "Hey Shigure... when you were a dog what was your first impression of me?" asked Dia, as Shigure gulped and kept quiet. "Shigure?" questioned Dia "You were a crazy girl who talked to animals" smiled Shigure, as Dia sighed and hit his head with a newspaper. "You are such a dog" said Dia, as there was a knock at the door. Dia got up and answered it to see a cute little girl with yellow hair and golden eyes. "Uh... is grandpa Shigure home?" she asked, as Dia smiled. "Yeah come on in" said Dia, as she blushed and nodded walking inside. She then walked over to Shigure who looked at her "Kisa" said Shigure, as Kisa blushed a bit. "Grandpa Hatori said you owed him one for not taking care of your doggy properly, so you have to babysit me" said Kia, as Shigure smiled nervously. "That's right... you don't have school for a couple days" said Shigure, as Dia walked in and Shigure smirked. "Hey Dia" said Shigure, as Dia took his newspaper and hit him on the head. "50,000 ryo" said Dia, as Shigure paused and looked at her. "What?" asked Shigure "If you want me to babysit for you it'll cost you 50.000 ryo" said Dia, as Shigure sighed. "But we're family" said Shigure, as Dia looked at him. "It cancelled out because I'm crazy" said Dia, as Shigure sighed. "Alright" said Shigure, as Dia then bent down to Kisa's level "Hello Kisa... I'm Dia" she said, as Kisa blushed and smiled. "I know Grandpa Hatori told me about you" smiled Kisa, as Dia smiled. "Well... why don't we go out to the park then" said Dia, as Kisa smiled and held Dia's hand. "And Shigure... if I find you did anything stupid while I was out your dead" said Dia, as Shigure smiled nervously. 'If only you knew Dia.... I love everything about you.... ever since the day I saw you in the halls' thought Shigure watching Dia walking with Kisa.

Dia was pushing Kisa on a swing, when she felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned her head to see a couple of drunks smirking at her. "Hey there sweet cheeks how about you come along with us?" asked one of them, as Dia glared at him. "Get lost" said Dia, as they glared at her. "How about if we take this little cutie with us then?" asked the other guy, as Dia's eyes widened and she punched the guy in the gut and grabbed Kisa's hand and put her behind her. "You Bi***" he shouted, as Dia tossed the guy into the next one and they fell to the ground. "You ok Kisa?" asked Dia, as Kisa nodded. "Kisa" shouted a voice, as Dia looked over and saw a boy Kisa's age with short brown hair and eyes. "Kisa you ok?" he asked, as Kisa nodded. "H-Hiro I'm fine thanks to grandma Dia" said Kisa, as Dia smiled. "Look out" shouted Hiro, as the guy hugged Dia from behind and Dia transformed into a Husky. "Ah" shouted the guys, as Dia growled and bite both of them on the arms. They ran off thinking they were really drunk and Dia sighed and quickly changed as she poofed back. "Damn... those drunks" growled Dia, as she sighed spitting out blood from her mouth and brushed her hair back. "You ok grandma Dia" said Kisa, as Dia smiled and nodded. "Yeah I'm fine" said Dia "Hey Oba-chan you should really watch it especially with Kisa" said Hiro. (Note for those who don't know Oba-chan means old lady) Dia growled and pulled Hiro by the ear "Listen up you little.... you tell me how to do a job and I'll put my foot up your..." said Dia, but then Kisa held Dia's hand. "Please don't Grandma Dia... That's j-just Hiro's way" said Kisa nervously, as Dia sighed and messed up Hiro's hair. "I can't stand being mad at kids anyway" said Dia smiling "So your the Husky that Akito's been looking for" said Hiro, as Dia nodded. "Hey Oba-chan can you make us something to eat or what?" asked Hiro, as Dia sighed. "Alright... come on lets go" said Dia, as they followed her to Shigure's house where they saw Tohru and Kyo already home. "Hiro... what the hell are you doing here?!" shouted Kyo, as Hiro gulped and was about to run, till Dia grabbed Kyo's collar. "Easy kitty... Hiro's here as my guest" said Dia, as Hiro looked at her confused. "Fine... but he better not be staying over" shouted Kyo, as Dia sighed and sat down, the door then knocked and Hatori appeared. "Grandpa Hatori" said Kisa, as she hugged him. "Hiro what are you doing here?" asked Hatori, as Hiro paused and looked at Dia who was smiling at him. "I saw Dia and Kisa playing and thought I join them" said Hiro, as Dia looked at him shocked. "Well... your mother is here to pick you up" said Hatori, as Kisa smiled and walked with Hiro outside. "Alright Dia what happened?" asked Hatori, as Dia sighed and light a cigarette "A couple of drunks threatened us, and I gave them a run for their money" smirked Dia puffing her cigarette. "Dia are you crazy you could have gotten hurt" said Shigure, as Dia paused looking at him and then she smirked evilly. "Aww was the poor doggy worried about little old me" said Dia, as Shigure sighed and turned her head. "There was nothing to worry about... I deal with idiots all the time" said Dia, as Yuki then walked in the door. "I'm home" said Yuki, as Shigure smiled, Hatori turned his head, and Dia saluted. "So how was Student council prison?" asked Dia, as Yuki sighed. "Don't bring that up" said Yuki, as Dia smirked and puffed her cigarette again. "Oh by the way Shigure that'll be 100,000 ryo" said Dia, as Shigure froze and looked at her. "But I thought-" said Shigure, as Dia smirked. "I baby sat Kisa and Hiro, 50,000 was only for Kisa, but since I had to look after Hiro too it's doubled" said Dia, as Shigure sighed. "Wait... you mean you wouldn't have done it for free?" asked Hatori "If it was for you Hatori I would have done it for free, but since Shigure called me crazy he has to pay" said Dia, as Hatori sighed and glared at Shigure. "Uh.... Tohru why don't you take Dia shopping my treat" said Shigure, as Dia looked at him. "There's a surprise" said Dia, as Shigure handed her the money and the girls went out shopping. "Ok Shigure spill it" said Hatori, as Kyo and Yuki paused looking at them. Shigure sighed and hit his forehead. "I couldn't help it... she asked me the most obvious question in my mind that I answered it stupidly" said Shigure, as Yuki and Kyo's eyes widened. "Shigure are you in love with Dia?" asked Yuki, as Shigure smiled nervously "What? Of course not" lied Shigure, as Hatori sighed. "Actually Shigure has loved Dia ever since he saw her in his dog form.... of course at the time Dia didn't know it was Shigure" said Hatori, as Kyo and Yuki kept themselves from snickering. "Haa-san your so mean" whined Shigure, as Hatori sighed and puffed his own cigarette "Shigure... you have to tell her" said Hatori, as Shigure sighed. "I don't know" said Shigure "Shigure you idiot if you don't tell her, she could run off with another guy" shouted Kyo "I hate to admit it, but Kyo's actually right Dia is an attractive woman that even the stupidest male would want" said Yuki "Hello... is my princess Dia here" sang Ayame "I rest my case" sighed Yuki, as Ayame came through the doors with bags of clothes. "Oh... Tori-san you here too, good I can show you the designs for Dia that I brought for her" said Ayame, as Yuki and Kyo punched his head. "Don't even think about it" they shouted.

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