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Another Morning and This time Ash was about to Tell Johnny with the Lance Situation, When the two met up at the Theatre and before it was time for them to Practice a little Ash was about to tell Johnny about Lance and on how all he wanted to do was Want forgiveness.. "Johnny I gotta talk to you about something really quick," She said, Johnny turned around and stood up from the Piano "Yeah Ash what is it?" He said as he walked over to her. "So.. Lance was at my door ag-" Before she was able to finish Johnny Was Assuming that he was bugging her which was kinda right since he was knocking on the door waiting for her to respond for about 30 minutes "Let me Guess he was bugging you to open the door for him, I can go over to his place really quick and tell him to leave alone after Practice" He said about to turn around and walk back to the Piano but before he could Ash got his hand in showing that there is more to say. "no no, It's fine.. I took matter in my own hands. when He wanted to talk it was him actually saying sorry and not trying involve 'Us' as in him and Me. He asked if we can put the past behind us and Just be friends." Johnny was wishing that she denied about the friendship With Lance. Not Even she can Deny that he was rude and selfish when he was with her, She was doing it for them back when they were together.. "And what did you say...?" Johnny said in a worried, Concern tone with Ash's Decision "I forgave him under one rule, And that rule was for him to not make any moves on me or it will be the end for him and our 'Friendship' " Johnny was in shock that she forgave the Douchebag. He nearly wanted to get mad but yet he can't blame her. It's her choice after all in at least having a little friendship with him.. I mean like sometimes other Animals would still be friends or something even after a breakup or someone CHEATING! On one another. "I Guess that's fine, It's your choice not mine in being friends with him and giving him another chance kinda" Ash laughed "Did You really think I would breakup With You so I can be with that jerk And deal with the same things all over again?" Johnny chuckled "Heh yeah yeah You're right"  From there the two went back in doing some practice and getting some Advise for the next show.

Ash's POV
I'm really shocked that Johnny would think that I would leave him just to go back with Lance! I'm not being mean or anything I'm just saying. I wouldn't leave Johnny to deal with Lance's Bull all over again to deal with him being stubborn and mean to me thinking I couldn't do stuff as him. Well He is wrong. I'm the one on top now. Heh.. I should've joked around With Johnny and say like I change my mind.. I smiled then continue writing out another song Ahead since I'm finished with my first one for the next concert.. I'm so excited to do this again! I Jumped then went on with my next song. I wonder How Rosita will do this all. If we are a band thing and she is a mother of 25 How will she do this all?? Isn't this enough stress for her.. We really got to do something just for Rosita.. A mother by day and a singer by night.. Maybe we can tell her kids to do a play or uhh Have a week off for Rosita and just spend time with just her and Norman.. Or we can have a time for Rosita being with her family! That would be good.. Let's just see if Buster will be down in Helping Rosita out.  I Said As I stepped down the Stairs on the Stage going to buster.

As Buster and Ash were talking about the Rosita plan he agreed but what everyone else didn't know was Lance had walked in the Theatre, He Kinda shouted out "Hey Ash!" Lance said Bringing the Attention to him.. Ash felt Nervous and It caught Johnny's Attention. In his mind He was going Crazy! "What the?! Why is HE here!? Ash Didn't Tell me about him being here today! Or even bringing his presents! We are all doing perfectly fine with out this Son of a Gun!" Johnny was Looking at Lance Which Lance Looked at Him So Now It Was Lance Looking At Johnny And Johnny Looking At Lance (I have no clue why I did that, In my Brain it was like "MAKE SOMETHING CONFUSING! WITH TONS OF LANCE TYPING!!!" 😂😂 There Is Something Wrong With Me Now.. Oh Dear) Lance stopped talking and Ash was Aware of the Whole Lance looking at Johnny and Johnny looking at Lance... She turned around looking at Johnny trying to grab his attention so it wouldn't be more Weird than ever. Yet that didn't even work out.. So now it was all awkwardness.. Until Gunter broke the silence "Buster the stage is going to explosive with Piggy power!" He said as he went running and sliding across the floor. Buster nodded then Rosita grabbed a microphone and Eddie played the song they were going to Sing together.

Will We Workout? [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant