Chapter 2

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Castiel immediately located Dean, and appeared in the room that he was in. "Hello Dean" Castiel said, in his usual manner, and looked around, recognising he was in the bunker, more specifically Dean's bedroom.

Although, it was hardly identifiable. Items were strewn across the room. Books and papers scattered the floor. One of Dean's lamps was ripped from the plug and shattered against the ground, the other cast a jarring light after being kicked. Guns and knives, which once lined the walls proudly, now lay on the floor, abandoned. Castiel guessed the state of the room was Dean's doing as he had scanned the bunker, and there were no other life forms present. Cas had witnessed Dean destroying rooms in the past, blind rage consuming him. But those objects he destroyed had no significance to him. However, these did.

A shuffle in the corner alerted Castiel to Dean's whereabouts. The man was hunched into himself, his head hung low, debris surrounding him. Defeat was evident in his body language.

"Dean!" Castiel exclaimed, moving towards him, "what happened?"

Dean tried to speak as Cas knelt in front of him, putting a hand to his shoulder, but the only thing that left his mouth was a sob.

Castiel's voice softened, "oh Dean" he whispered, as he placed both hands on the man's cheeks, lifting his face causing him to look into his eyes. Cas saw the anguish, and torment in his usually guarded green eyes hand there was no doubt Dean could see the fear in his own. Tear tracks streaked down Dean's face and new tears were forming in his eyes, spilling onto his cheeks. Castiel wiped away the tears with the pads of his thumbs, as Dean's sobs rose steadily into the air.

Without speaking Cas lifted Dean, holding him close to his chest and moved towards the bed, placing Dean on the edge. The angel hesitantly placed his arms around him in an effort to calm his hysterical sobs and erratic breathing. Dean clung to Castiel, almost as tightly as when the angel raised him from perdition. He pushed his face into the angel's chest and howled. Castiel had never seen Dean so upset, the man usually opted to burying his feelings with alcohol, drowning his sorrows in whiskey.

Dean shook in Castiel's embrace, his fingers tightening around the trench coat Cas always wore, as he willed himself to stop crying, embarrassed by his vulnerability. However, stifling his sobs was an impossible task as they tore through his throat, adamant on leaving his mouth and piercing the silence. Pure pain consumed Dean, his mind was in complete agony.

When Cas ran his fingers through Dean's hair, and whispered soothing words in Enochian, all the pain, all the suffering, all the scars Dean had endured slowly became tolerable, it was as if he was watching stones sink to the bottom of a pond, the ripples eventually calming and the water becoming still.

Castiel's hands moved up and down Dean's back, as Dean breathed in the angel's scent. Cas smelt of the air just before the rain, he smelt of the grass after it had been mowed, he smelled of old books, the pages that have not been read in years, he smelled metallic, like the air after a lightning strike and of fresh sheets, laundered clothes, but above all else he smelled of home, of safety. Dean's breaths slowed and his tears stopped as he calmed down, but he did not move away from the angel, they stayed in each other's arms.

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