Bruce Willis

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"Cut!" The director yelled. "Bruce Y/N, get it together please. Action!"

I began to say my lines, my lips slowly began to curl but I forced myself to stop. He crossed his eyes and smiled weird, a laugh had been withdrawn from my lips and the director huffed in anger.

"Cut! Y/N, take five and try to be serious." I cleared my throat and walked off set.

This had been the tenth time we shot the same scene, I bit my lip as I made my way to the dressing room. Regret had been filling up in my head, I shouldn't have taken this job, I knew this would happen but I denied it.

I stopped my thoughts of regret when the door opened, there he was, standing in the door way. He was breathing heavily, and his make up was smeared on his face.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. I just thought it'd be funny." He closed the door and sat next to me.

"What was I thinking?" I plopped down next to him and he placed his hand on my thigh.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

I wasn't paying that much attention, I knew that he'd get sad if I had told him. So, I began to mumble and play with my wedding ring.

"Just tell me Y/N." He separated my fingers from my ring.

My head had been turn to look at him, I made eye contact with him but looked at the poster behind him.

"I never really noticed how beautiful that poster was." I said trying to stall.

I pulled away from his captivity and stared at it in awe, he moved his head in my view and smiled.

"Honey, what is it? It can't be that bad." He slightly chuckled.

"Well." I trailed off.

His mini smile faded away as I had looked down at my intertwined fingers.

"I don't think this was a good idea.” I said. “Ya know? Working together."  I added falling back on the couch.

"What are you talking about,
Y/N?" He asked pulling me up.

"I knew this was gonna happen, Bruce. We were gonna do this, play around, but I was so stupid not listening to my gut." I threw my hands up in anger.

He playfully pushed me down, and hovered over me.

"Is it because we're married?” He asked. “Because that doesn't matter. Is there a rule that says we can't have a little fun?” He questioned once more with a smirk.

“Especially since we are working together.” He seductively said. “I love you Y/N." He lowered himself and pecked my lips.

"I love you too."  I pulled him down by the hem of his shirt and our lips collided once more.

“Alright, I need to go." He broke away from the kiss and adjusted his clothing.

"I guess, I'll see you on set." I stood up and used my thumb to wipe off the lipstick that had been out of place.

"You coming?" He asked opening the door.

"Yeah, just give me a minute. I'll be there." I said while smiling.

"Hey Y/N." He stuck his tongue out and crossed his eyes.

I laughed more as he did more, he closed the door before doing one more, I sat down and looked into the mirror.

God I love that man..

I am so sorry. This is horrible, this is not exactly what you had in mind but it is close right? Anyways, I hope you liked it.

The other people who requested, I am currently writing them, and hopefully they get posted next week and if not then soon. I promise.

Anyways, hope you liked it. Also, not surprised if you take back your request because of my poorly written image. Bye



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