Happy Birthday

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Barry Allen P.O.V
Today is March the 19th, my birthday. And, today I just want to celebrate with family and friends. The past few weeks have been hell for me. For one, my wife and I haven't had a date night or any personal time to ourselves. Second, my arch enemies Captain Cold and Heatwave decided to team up with Gorilla Godd, a monkey genius; and had me all over the world looking for bombs. Thankful, I had help from my friends in high places. And finally, my job has kept me busy with paper work. I know I should be the last guy to complain with super speed power, but when I want to relax I want it to be longer than 15 minutes. These past weeks I've been getting less sleep than Batman himself, God knows how much sleep he gets with all those psychos running around. So, it is now 1:50 am, I'm just getting in from fighting off Volcana and Firefly, I'm telling you these criminals are getting smarter. Everyday I usually shower for 5 minutes, but right now I jump in and jump right out 2 seconds flat. Slowly slide into the bed I happliy share with my wife, careful not to wake her. This is a moment I want to enjoy, holding Iris like she is my world.

Beep, beep. Beep, beep.
Argh. I slowly wake to the sound of my clock going off at 7:51 am. I sit up stretch my arm and shut it off. Look to my left and see my wife no longer occupies the opposite side of the bed. Inhale deeply and yawn while stretching my arms upward and drop back on the bed. Suddenly I hear the most softest and beautiful "ahem" coming from my wife, holding one single chocolate cupcake with a chocolate frosting and a slice of strawberry sitting on top.

"Here's a cupcake for the Birthday boy and plenty more in the kitchen if he decides to wake from sleep." Said Iris chuckling slightly at the sight of me. While still laying on my back I inhale and my senses pick up on delicious scents that fill the air. Rolling over on my stomach and crawl over to my wife on my knees and grab the cupcake from her and pull her into me and kiss her so passionate that it'll leave her senseless. We back pull away so we may take in air to breathe properly. Still in my arms Iris smiles at me and I say "Thank you, Iris. You know I love you, right?" Iris laughs and bows her head to hide her blush that creeps upon her cheeks and kisses me lightly then replies "Yes! I know I am the love of your life and you are my whole world, Barry." My heart warmed just to hear those words therefore I was leaning toward her once again to kiss her only to be interupted by my phone ringing. Sighing and silently praying it wasn't work related.

Gotham City Cafè Blend 8:09 am
On the east side of Gotham, there is a small elegant coffee shop with the choice to sit inside to enjoy the soft music, or to be seated outside and catch a whiff of every type of pastries being made.
Sitting outside at a table for two are two casually dressed couple. Enjoying coffee and each others company. Bruce Wayne seated on the right side of Diana Prince dressed in dark blue jeans, a white button down long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up. While Ms. Prince is dressed comfortably in a knee high white sun dress with silver flats and has her long beautiful black hair pulled up into a bun. Bruce Wayne sits on the right side of Diana slightly frowning while sipping his black coffee with 2 spoons of sugar. Diana speaks, "See, Bruce! You look very handsome when you dress casual. Not at all up tight in your usual black suits. I like this look for you! So stop being grumpy." smiling fully back at Bruce. "Princess, if I had known dating you would mean you would come into my home and raid my closet, I might've gave this dating thing a second thought." said Bruce grinning slightly as he looked away from his phone. Diana narrowed her beautiful blue eyes and swatted Bruce's shoulder for his remark. Bruce rubs his shoulder then grits his teeth and in a hushed tone for only Diana to hear he says "Super strength, Princess!" Diana crosses her arms and slightly tips her head up and replies "Serves you right." Bruce sighs and reaches toward Diana, grabs her right hand brings it up to his lips, lightly kisses her knuckles and looks up to see Diana smile. Seeing her smile beautifully makes Bruce smile and apologize. "I'm sorry, Princess. I love everything about you. It's just, this whole relationship is unusual to me." said Bruce. Diana rolled her eyes and took Bruce's chin in her palm and brought him closer to her and said "Bruce, this whole dating scene is quite new to me too, but I think I'm grasping it well enough. I know some women have come and gone in you life, but if the gods forbid us not to be together than I only pray I leave you in good terms. Yet, until then I will love you and make you the happiest man alive!" It was then when Bruce smiled a true smile and leaned forward to kissed Diana breathless. Pulling away Diana then sat back in her chair relax for a second only to jolt forward and grab Bruce's phone from the table to look at the date. Bruce Wayne startled by Diana's sudden movements and action to steal away his phone he asked very worried "Diana, what's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?". Diana put Bruce's phone in her lap and replied "Bruce, today is March 19th!" Bruce looked back at her with a confused look and said, "Ok? What's the problem?" Diana gave Bruce an annoyed look and said, "Bruce, how could you forget your friend's day of birth?" Bruce then looked puzzled and replies, "Today's not Clark's birthday." Diana picks up Bruce's phone from her lap and find his contacts, scrolls until she finds the name she's searching for and grins at Bruce.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2019 ⏰

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