Chapter 2

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Penthouse Dorm- Mali U- Present day

Sam closed her eyes, hoping to fall asleep. But it wasn't happening. After using nasal spray and tissue, she drank from a mug of tea Clover had left on her end table earlier. She then took some of her medicine. Sam was determined not to pass her cold to the others. But from past experience, she knew the phrase "All for one, and one for all" often included sickness for the girls. Feeling down, her thoughts drifted to a particular mission from years ago.

Girls' Villa- High school years

An entire neighborhood was transformed into zombies, who were intent upon getting the girls, Mandy, and Chucky, a young boy Clover was babysitting. Sam had encountered mummies and (friendly) aliens prior to this mission, but was no less comfortable dealing with the supernatural. Thankfully, these zombies were not of the commonly known flesh-consuming variety she'd seen in the one movie on the subject.

Even with advice from Jerry on the Compowder, her plan of dropping electrical cables down into the sewer water to disrupt the curse of the evil spirit controlling the zombies seemed far-fetched. What if the electrical shock killed everyone, or simply didn't work? If she and Alex had been thrown into the portal as Clover , Mandy and Chucky had, would WOOHP backup finally arrive to somehow make everything right?

That night after the mission, Sam's turbulent thoughts continued until they invaded her sleep in the form of a nightmare. The horrible sights and sounds of that zombie-filled sewer returned. The frightening evil spirit commanded the former innocent residents of the neighborhood to throw them into the portal, which after much resistance, they eventually did.

Sam woke up with a small sharp cry, glanced at the digital alarm clock nearby, then miserably tried to calm herself and fall asleep.

The next morning she shambled out to the kitchen for breakfast, sleep-deprived.

Alex, who was pouring some water for herself, glanced at her, her expression changing to one of concern. "What's wrong, Sammie?" she inquired.

"I... had a nightmare," Sam replied gloomily. "Had trouble getting back to sleep," she added.

"Was was it about last night?" Alex asked, as Clover joined them after overhearing them from the living room.

"Yeah. I don't know if I can handle another mission like that one," Sam said despondently.

Alex poured her a glass of water, handed it to her, then put an arm around her shoulders and guided her to the living room couch. Clover followed, with a concerned expression.

"Mm-hm," Clover said, sitting beside Sam and Alex on the enormous couch. "I didn't remember anything when I was turned into a zombie," Clover shared with them. "Thank God," she said.

"I don't like horror movies. When I saw you, Mandy, and everyone else like that, I was really scared," Sam said. " I can't imagine what it would've been like without Alex," she said.

Alex gave her a hug, then soothingly rubbed her back. An electronic beep from the other room signified that the water was ready, prompting Clover to walk to the kitchen.

"It's alright Sammie," Alex said, looking straight ahead, while Sam rested her head on Alex's shoulder. "We were all scared, but we did it. Despite the odds," she said with a smile.

Clover returned with two mugs, and set them in front of Sam and Alex.

"Thanks," Sam said, waiting for it to cool down before taking a sip.

"Mm, thanks," said Alex, giving Sam a shoulder hug, comfortingly.

After Clover left once more for her own mug, Alex broke the hug and looked at Sam warmly. "We've gotta keep going though, right?" she asked her friend, as she gave her shoulder a slight squeeze. "Saving people is what we do," she continued encouragingly.

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