1. Otabek in Russia.

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Yurio was sitting on his bed with Otabek. They showed each other stupid and funny pictures they found online.

" Hey Otabek look at this one"

Otabek wad staring at a weird meme, not sure how to respond while Yurio was laughing so hard he could barely breath.

He has such a cute laugh, too bad he doesn't do it often, not in front of others at least.

"Ugh I'm so tired" said Yurio, letting himself fall on the bed.
"I barely got any sleep last night"

"Too bad," said Otabek. "I hoped that you'd give me a tour around the city"

"Oh, uh... If you want to I can?" Yurio didn't want Otabek to go to his Hotel yet.

"Cool" said Otabek. "Let's go"

They grabbed their coats and left the house. Yurio showed Otabek every place and told him everything he knew.
"And that's the beach, that's all I guess" he said when they arrived at the beach.

"Wow, seems like you prepared the whole thing" Otabek laughed.

Yurio blushed. "Nah,  I didn't"

"I wanna go to the beach" Otabek started walking again. "Are you coming?"


Yurio sat down on the beach when he noticed Otabek was gone. Suddenly he felt a bunch of sand dropped on his head.

"Oi!  What the hell was that for idiot?" He yelled.

Otabek didn't respond he just ran away.

Yurio ran after him, thinking that Otabek didn't seem to be like this is front of others. He seemed real chill... was it him who made him this energetic? Nah. Probably not.

Yurio tried to escape the thought and tackled Otabek,  who fell in the sand.

Yurio sat down. He never realised how pretty Otabek actually was... and the smile on his face was so sexy... He couldn't help but..
His head leaned down closer to Otabek his face, who didn't see because his eyes were closed to stop the sand from coming in. He expected revenge. But Instead...
Yurio leaned more forward until their lips touched, Yurio closed his eyes, while Otabek opened his wide. But.. not pushing him away..
After a few seconds Yurio leaned back, opening his eyes again, seeing how Otabek looked at him with wide, shocked eyes. Yurio's face went red.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't help it. Goddamnit..."

Otabek stared at him..

It's weird to see him act so different and apologising so much. he never does...

He sat up and interrupted Yurio with another kiss. This time, Yurio was the one surprised,  but once he realised, he closed his eyes again.

This kiss lasted longer, until yurio ended it after hearing a sound.

"is someone here? I don't want people to see us"

"Don't worry" said Otabek. Trying to kiss him again, yurio looked away.

"Listen" he said,
"I want this, I do... but I've never had a BOYfriend before so it.. feels weird."

"Don't worry yurio" Otabek said with a cute smile.
"We'll take this as slow as you want, and if you're uncomfortable, just say so."

Yurio seemed happy

"I have to go to the hotel now, I'll see you tomorrow, my flight leaves at 11 but ill take a flight back to you soon okay?"

"Alright... bye Otabek"

"Bye yurio"

Yurio walked home, still not realising what just happened.
Once he was home his parents run to him with a big backpack, his mom crying.

"You should leave" said his dad.

"What the hell?" Said yurio.

"I saw you on the beach" his mom sobbed.

Yurio his face turned white.

"I will not have a son like that." Said his dad.

Yurio got the backpack thrown at his head what made him fall down. His dad slammed the door shut. With tears in his eyes he walked away.

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