Chapter 1: Hunting

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Grabbing my hunting knife and yew bow from the door, I scratch a note on a piece of spare cloth
for Grandpa.

It says," Grandpa, I saw fresh moose tracks in the woods coming back from the
market. The tracks were wide and deep, so the moose must be full grown and it will feed for a couple days. I will be back soon- Volkfír."

Stepping into the cool breeze, I began to trot off in the general direction of the market of Sharktooth island of Alagäesia. It took a few minutes to find the tracks I had seen before.

Sorry, I am getting ahead of myself. My name is Volkfír, I am a boy and I live in a small cottage on the cliffs of Sharktooth in Alagäesia.

My mother died giving birth to me and my dad, well, some say he died in grief of my mother's death. My grandfather took me in when he heard the news.

I never knew the origins of my name and it even sounds strange to me. It is definitely not normal, like Joseph and Roran of my friends, but mine is different and I like that.

Back to the moose.

The tracks were fresh, maybe an hour old. I followed them deep to the forest, farther than I have ever gone. But I wasn't scared. After ten minutes of running, trying to find the moose quicker, I came to a clearing with a small pond and the moose was casually grazing.

Zoning in on the moose, I aim right for my lucky target, the eye. The arrow whizzes through the misty air and hits its mark.

"Yes!" I exclaim as the moose drops to the ground, lifeless. Running over to my game I hear a rustling behind me.

Stopping, I turn around, dagger drawn. Nothing was there.

'Whatever,' I think.

Remembering how long it took to get here, I waste no time carefully remove my lucky deer antler arrow.

Heaving the animal onto my shoulders, that same rustling sound fills the forest.

I cautiously say," Who's there?" No answer. I ask again and I get an answer.

"It is I, Murtagh Morzanson."

I had no clue who he was, but he must be very wealthy. Stepping into the light, I could see his whole body.

A crimson sword strapped at his hip. Red scale armor covered his chest and his glossy black hair splayed over shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" I dare to ask.

"I am hunting, like you but for not me but for my dragon."

Dragon? Why does he have a dragon? Then the idea occurred to me. He's a Dragon Rider! And he is the son of Morzan, one of the last of Galbatorix's Forsworn.

"Also I am here to help the elves bring the dragon egg to hatch for someone, potentially here on this island! Goodbye Volkfír!"

I gasp in awe as a titanic ruby dragon appears behind Murtagh. He swiftly scrambled onto the red shrike dragon and it flaps its leathery wings, slowly rising.


After my strange encounter with Murtagh in the woods, the day was pretty much normal.

I brought the moose to the butcher shop and made 60 crowns! That's the most I ever made from my game. I took home majority of the moose, so I guess the butcher had a surplus of moose steaks that week.

The week droned on as usual, until Sunday.


Grandpa shakes me awake that morning and I moan and say "Five more minutes!"

But Grandpa says "Today is very important Volkfír, the elves are coming with the egg and Murtagh will be there as well!"

"Fine...." I grumble, half-asleep. I have tried to hatch for many dragon eggs in Surda,
when Grandpa took me every year to try since I was 12. But I'm 16 now and know that there is a
very slim chance the dragon would hatch.

I slowly pull on a tunic and boots and walk to the square with Grandpa.

"Welcome villagers of Sharktooth! Thank you for your time and space to hold this
special event! Today one of you may become a Dragon Rider!" Says a starlight haired elf. "Let the testing begin!"

All the older boys and girls, 16 and up, step forward and form two lines, one boys,
one girls. I step into the boys line. It was almost 20 minutes until it was my turn.

Taking a deep breath, I rest my lean hand on the turquoise colored egg. A loud 'clack' silences everyone.

Another 'clack' resonated from the egg, followed by a quick succession of three clicks.

My heartbeat tripled when i realized what was happening.

The egg was hatching for me! I, Volkfír, was a Dragon Rider!

"It looks like we have a new Dragon Rider!" The elf exclaims.

Grandpa runs over with glazed eyes. Hugging me so hard I can barely breathe he says" I cant believe my grandson is going to train with the elves and Eragon!"

I had no words to express my feelings. It was a feeling I cant describe, but then it faded when I realized something.

I would be leaving Sharktooth for years and wouldn't be able to see Grandpa.

"We set sail for Surda at sunrise tomorrow, so go pack up your belongings.

I hugged Grandpa all the way back home in the wagon, knowing it would be a very long time when I see him again.

Just as I placed my hunting knife in my duffel bag, I heard a voice from the cellar.

"Volkfír, come down here before you leave, ok?" I heard Grandpa yell from below.

"I'll be right down!" I exclaim, wondering what he needed.

After setting my light duffel bag down, for we are poor and I don't have much, I hurry downstairs to Grandpa.

In his hands lay a long object, obscured by a thin sheet of fine silk.

"Your father gave this to me when you were born." He said with a rueful smile."He told me to pass it on to you when you leave Sharktooth to go to Illrea for a job." He continued

My eyes widened when he uncovered the object.


A/N So? What do you guys think? Plz comment and add to library! I will try my hardest to keep updating quickly! 😜


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