“I don’t know just yet,” I said, turning back to face the shadow. “but, as for now, I think we should be on our way. The last thing we need is for him to send the search party. We don’t need that kind of attention, so soon.”

“Then let us be off,” he said as the leaves broke under his feet, but he stopped short and I heard a smug laugh leak out of his lips. “We really should hurry too. Don’t you need to register for school?”



Charlie Swan: Chief of Police

My hands were shaking more than an earthquake in California. I tried to steady my breath but it was no use. The term “nervous” was not strong enough. This is crazy, I thought to myself, I should be able to have a normal conversation with my ex-wife, especially if it concerns ‘our’ daughter. Who was I kidding? I was never very good at these things, but damn it, I was beyond worried and had run out of options. Ever since that Cullen kid and his strange family had moved, Bella seemed like a total recluse. I was glad that the school had a couple days off; I didn’t think Bella would want to fall behind.

My hand shook harder as the answering machine kicked in …

Hi!” The machine said, enthusiastically, “you’ve reached Reneee and Phil! We can’t get to the phone right now, but leave a message and we will call you back!”


Here goes nothing!

“Umm … hi—hi Reneee, this is Charlie,” boy, did I sound pathetic. “I know th—this is kind of strange but … well … er, I don’t know exactly how to say this. Please call me back. It’s important. It’s about Bella. Something’s wrong.”


I hung up the phone.

“Well,” I straightened up, “that’s done.”

There was a heavy knock at the front door.

I heaved a sigh; I knew who was knocking. I quickly straightened myself up and headed to the front door. I reached for the door handle and twisted, the door opened, and there stood my visitor: Dr. Gerandy.

“Hello, Charlie,” he said, his voice seemed to match my mood.  It was almost as though the depression was flowing all over the town now. I nodded and motioned for the doc to come inside. As he passed me, I glanced outside. Damn Washington weather, raining again.

“Doctor Gerandy,” I greeted him, and I led the way into the living room. We sat down and a moment of silence captured us. The doc finally spoke up.

“So, Charlie,” though he was sad, his voice seemed cheery, “why did you call me out doay?” He looked me up and down. “Are you sick?”

“No, Doc,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m worried about Bella.”

The doctor's face was immediately full of questions; I didn't know if I could answer them all. Part of me wasn't sure if I wanted to.

"Bella," Dr Gerandy's voice was immediately interested. It was just a few days ago that he had been summoned after she went missing, "What seems to be the trouble?" He glanced quickly around the room and took an inventory of everyone in it. "Um…Charlie, where is she?"

"Oh, Bella's upstairs," I answered; I was curious why he was looking at me so strangely.

"Well," the doctor said, starting to get up, "I should probably go up and see her."

The Doc going to see Bella; what if he scares her or what if she gets the wrong idea…

I immediately jumped up and held my hands toward him defensively.

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