"Is everything alright Gabby?" She asked and Gabriella took a deep breath, forced a smile and spoke.

"I'm pregnant."

Lissa spat out her wine in surprise and stared at her sister in shock. Of all the things she might have expected that would have been the absolute last.

"I don't understand. You're..."

'Pregnant." Gabriella finished for her impatiently.

"I still don't understand. Did you get married?" She asked in confusion while gabriella let out a sigh of exasperation.

"Of course I didn't get married," she said. As if her sister wouldn't have known if she were married.

'Then I really don't understand. How the hell are you pregnant?" She asked. Gabriella simply stared at her. Really? Her sister didn't know how babies were made? She could certainly call bullshit on that considering the amount of times she'd walked in to their shared room to find different boys in her sisters bed.

"The usual way I imagine," she said dryly. Honestly, this wasn't going the way she had planned at all. She had thought that her sister of all people would be more understanding and helpful. She was worse than their parents would have been and Gabriella was dreading telling them almost as much as she was dreading telling the father.

"But I don't understand. Who the hell is the father? Where did you meet him? Why aren't you married to him?" She demanded. Gabriella considered them all to be good questions except the final one. Honestly, why did she think that pregnancy only happened after marriage?

She wasn't really sure how to answer the other questions though. How did you explain something you didn't fully understand yourself? She had been a virgin until the ripe old age of 29 and then just like that she'd given it up to some man she barely knew. It made no sense to her and she was sure that it would make even less sense to her sister who had apparently bought in to the Saint Gabriella spiel.

"As far as I'm aware you don't actually need to be married to make a baby," Gabriella told her sister dryly. She couldn't stay any longer and began pacing as she contemplated the predicament she had gotten herself in to.

"Most people don't need to be married to have a baby but this is you we're talking about. There is no way that Saint Gabriella can have conceived a child out of wedlock to an unknown," Lissa said.

It wasn't that she resented her sister but she'd constantly been compared to Gabriella since the day she was born and she was used to being found wanting. She'd gotten used to Gabriella excelling through life with ease while she fought for every little thing she'd got. Anyone else might have been pleased to see their sister get knocked down a peg or two but Lissa didn't hold any bad feelings towards her sister. She wasn't happy to see Gabriella facing such a challenge but rather shocked to her very core. It felt like the whole world had tilted on its axis and suddenly nothing made sense.

"I wish people would stop acting like I'm the virgin mary who can do wrong. I am just a normal person, same as everyone else."

Lissa chose to ignore that statement. Her sister might not see it but everyone else did. She was amazing but she was also leading a blessed life. It made no sense that she could have fallen so far from grace.

"What are you going to do?" Lissa asked instead of responding to the virgin Mary comment because if she was honest then she had always considered her sister to be just that.

"I have no idea. That's why I called you," Gabriella said in frustration. She honestly had no experience at what to do when she had disappointed everyone in her life.

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