Chapter 3

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I whipped my nose with my sweatshirt as Jerome told me that I could hang out with him. I am thinking it is just because my aunt died and he feels bad for me. That has to be it. You did destroy his car. I said to myself.

"A-are you sure?" I sniffled.

"Yeah, of course. They accept everyone." He turned his head and smiled at me. I nodded my head, taking a gulp. Of course they will, they are like the biggest weridos on youtube.

When I saw all of them, it felt like I couldn't breath. Well, more than I couldn't before I saw them. My head felt heavy as I tried to make my lungs work, and my eyes never left Jerome. They probably screamed 'What am I supposed to do'? I think he got the message because he started talking.

"Guys, this is America." Jerome said, pointing his way to me. All pairs of eyes; even the girls who were with the guys; stared at me.

"Jerome, did you get a lady friend?" Bajan Canadian also known as Mitch, said, making his eyebrows go up and down. He looked at his girlfriend, who was the person I ran into earlier, Alexia.

"Mitch, shut up." Another one stated, her green eyes glowed with new love and her brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and if it wasn't I bet her blonde tips would touch the ground. She sat on MinecraftUniverse, Jason's, lap. "I'm Ellie." She warmed the huge room of people with a smile.

"I can't believe people aren't swarming us..." SSundee, Ian, muttered.

That is true, I can't believe that I wasn't being attacked by fan girls. We were basically standing in a circle. Some were sitting. The movement of everyone else made me think that they want to meet them, but they are just walking past them. It's incredible when you actually stop and see what is going on. Incredible.

"Neither can I." Quentin and Adam said at the same time.

"But really," Ellie said, "Is this your lady friend?" She said, smiling at me. While I, still wasn't able to talk.

Jerome walked over to Mitch and whispered into his ear. Before, Mitch looked all happy and hyper, but now, a sad and gloomy look. He walked over to me and said, "Are your parents dead, too." How did he know? Maybe it was the way I looked down at the ground, or the tear that dripped from my face to my nose to the floor. Or, both.

I nodded my head, as Alexia ran over to me and gave me a hug. "It's going to be okay." She whispered. I don't know what to believe  now, them or myself. I think them would be the option.


Okay doods! Do you likey? I liked writing this! Even if it might seem a bit depressing... PLEASE STAY! PLEASE! And if you do not stay, then we are having a beautiful garden party and YOU are not invited! :D! BYE! 

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