Cucumber and Coffee(2)

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Throughout the years we were in and out friends mostly acquaintances but that didn't stop the moments of being a little  close sometimes. Times like those would involve us just hanging out maybe the whole day or maybe just that evening for that lunch break.  It'd be like that game that lasted a real long time but we didn't know because were having so much fun , or that time we were talking talking a lot but we didn't notice cause we were really interesting ig. Over the years it happened very seldom because we didn't exactly have that much of a connection that lasted for more than just a day or a couple of hours we were just those friends who like talking to each other once in a while but that was all all.  It went like that for a long time I guess I don't know I didn't happen really often so it was like that with diamonds in a really big almost abounded mine. At some point in 8th grade, 2015,  my middle school running club was holding a fundraiser. One that if I might mention it was probably the funnest of them all. We were having a big sale and it was humongous for our small little middle school we had so many goodies everybody kept on coming and going and people who didn't have the money to get it will come back the next day and get it. It's actually really fun we would have a big bundle of money but to make it more realistic it  wasn't a bundle of $20 bills. Either way me and Cucumber were really going all out and talking so much during that fundraiser, mostly because he was distracting the other runners who were helping me run the business so I was the one that was sent to take him away.  funny how it was almost as if the teacher had unconsciously set us up. Throughout the whole entire week we were just hanging out with beach other from 12 pm to 5 pm or sometimes even 6. It wouldn't always be  just us two hanging out sometimes a friend of his or mine would hang around with us for a little while until they left. It was the most fun that we had had that whole entire week tbh.

I fell for him. I knew it but I didn't want to admit it. I was scared that if I did, if I said it out loud, that it would be too real. That it would be too much and make him want to go away. When other people started teasing us and saying those words as jokes to get us even more together I would pretend I couldn't/didn't hear. Now I realize that I should of continued to just talk to him a bit more. Not about just fun things but about him and get him to trust me more. Before I went ahead and started dating him. I realize that I should've become more of a best friend first instead of a girlfriend first. But first we should have talked  to each other about deep things because I was so awkward over the phone. Not to mention that I didn't even have a phone and when I did have a phone we would mostly just sort of text each other but not so much because it's not like I had an unlimited plan or anything so we would just call  about each other and talk about stuff.  When we would talk to each other it was about life in person and how everything is different when we have to do thing before we say anything when we're in person.  The times that we would actually bond was when we were in person though. When we would hang out and talk face to face and do actions to each other and so on. 

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