Back To School

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It was time for Phil to go back to school, he's  always kind of liked school, he planned to go to college and get a degree in law but this year would be harder, this year he didn't have Dan,

you see, Dan died last month due to unknown causes, the police say it was suicide. Phil knew the causes, he did see Dan's corpse soon after.

Phil's POV (obviously)
"How am I supposed to get through this year without Dan." I thought "I mean, I guess I have PJ and Chris and them, but it's not the same without Dan,"
I arrived at school I walked through the front door and was immediately bombarded with questions "how'd he die" some would ask. All I needed to do was find PJ and Chris and I would be fine for the time being.

I saw them, but not before the school bully Rick Thomson found me "hey there philly how ya doin?" He said but I said nothing

"I heard your boyfriend killed himself," he continued "a little emo bitch, that's all he was" I now had tears In my eyes, yes I was sad but I was also Philled with rage I punched him in the face then I felt my body slam against a wall. I was pinned And I felt a punch to my face

soon the principal was there "Pj must've gotten him" I thought he gave us both detention, I ran to the bathroom to cry. I could hear Dan's voice in my head "don't cry, craft" His voice echoed so I pulled out a piece of paper and some scissors from my pocket and started crafting paper objects. the rest of my day was pretty uneventful I got home and replayed what I saw on the day of Dan's death.

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