When hes gone

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~Emily's part~
My soft warm hands touched my brothers school picture in that picture he was in the 8th grade and his smile was as bright as the sun and his eyes had a little sparkle in them. Then I look at all of his basketball trophies that was his passion he loved basketball I miss him. I miss how caring he was, I miss our stupid fights we would always have. I just wish it was me instead of him that died.....
parents: Emily sweety you there
Emily: umm.... uhh what
Parents: did you like zone out or something?
Emily: yeah sorry
Parents: it's okay so what do you want for dinner?
Emily: can we have some Mack and cheese?
Parents: sure!
Parents: so umm Emily when do you want to go back to school?
Emily: I don't want to go back to school mom can I please just get home schooled?
Parents: but you will miss out on so much, high school is supposed to be the best years of your life
Emily: come on mom please I don't want to go to school cause everything reminds me of Eli

Sorry that this is so short I'm kinda going through stuff right now I will still be updating tomorrow... ^.^

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