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Cam and I watched more and more and more movies. Everyday we get all cozy and snuggly and watch a movie. My already large movie collection grew even more.

We were watching a movie one night when I remembered Cam was on a basketball team. It wasn't some fancy college team or anything, just some college kids who wanted to play some street-ball regularly. "Cam, when does your little basketball team play?" I asked wanting to know if he'd be any good at it.

His face kinda fell, "Oh... um, tomorrow, but it doesn't matter no point in going to it." He said.

"Of course I'm going, silly. Why wouldn't I?" I didn't understand why he wouldn't want me to go.

The next day I figured it out. Cam was awful! He had hussle and could steal the ball, but that's as far as he got. His defense tired him out, he was was good once he got on someone just slow getting to them. He also couldn't shoot... it was pitiful how bad his shooting was.

I tried, I really tried not to laugh. I failed. Basketball is my game. I'm pretty good at it and Cam... wasn't. How someone so athletic and built could be this bad at a sport blew my mind. After the game I forced myself into a straight face and walked up to Cam. "Good game," I said. It was everyone's go-to after a game.

He shrugged and led me to his car. We got in and he said, "Don't lie. Everyone knows I'm crap. No reason to beat around the bush. I already know." He said completely fine with it.

"No offense but if you didn't know you would have a serious problem." I told him with no sympathy. He let out and breath and kept driving.

We got to his place and he busted through the door, "I got to go take a shower. Help yourself to everything." Is he angry or tired? Men, you can never tell.

He sorta... angrily/tiredly walked away and went to his shower. I decided, like any normal human, I'd do some snooping. Went to his room... didn't really find anything. I was half-way expecting to find some cellar like in The Vampire Diaries where Tyler Lockwood wood go to on a full moon. Wow... I'm a nerd.

I was hardcore snooping by now and moved his dresser out of the way, where else would he keep a hidden passage way to a secret cellar? "What are you doing, you idiot?" He half laughed at me.

"Oh you know... painting my nails?" He gave me a sassy "Mmmmhmmm" look. Little fart.

He let me have a long look behind his dresser, checking for a cellar, before he bear hugged me and through me over his shoulder. His bare shoulder. For a guy who's this built and athletic and looks this good in basketball shorts, the fact that he was that bad blows my mind. "What are you looking for, little bit?"

Right now I'm looking at your butt through those shorts, "Honestly, I was looking for a scary cellar that you lock yourself in." No point in lying.

"Well, I don't have that in my house. It's in the woods, duh." What the hell, is he serious? "No, I'm kidding. Calm down, talk about gul-lib-le!" He laughed carrying me to a little love seat in his room.

I was angry and wiggled out of his arms, "You ugly fart!" I laughed as I thumped him on the nose. I'm halarious! I busted out laughing, "I didn't... I didn't even... I didn't even think about the whole "wolf thing" when I did that!!" I laughed.

He squinted his eyes at me, "I'm not some puppy being house trained," he muttered.

That's what my brother does to his dog!!!

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