Questions Answered

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So it has been longer than usual again, but now I have lots of questions to answer! I'm so excited that you're all commenting questions and enjoying my book!

Question 1: How long do you have braces on average?
-The majority of people that had braces I know had them for two years, some of them only one and a half. I would say the average is one and a half years.

Question 2: Do they hurt the whole time you have them?
-Definitely not!! They only hurt when you first get them and after they get changed.

Question 3: How long did you have braces?
-I had braces for two years and four months (weird that I know the exact time... wow) .

Question 4: How long do you have to wear the metal bands? And does however long you need to where them differ for every person?
-Don't be worried, but forever. The lady told me that they're there to ensure that your teeth ALWAYS stay perfect. This is a good thing! At first I thought they would bother me, but now I don't even know they're there! You're going to have to trust me that they're not bad.

Question 5: Do you have any restrictions with the metal bands? Like nothing chewy or too hard or are you free from those restrictions?
-My orthodontist told me that you can eat whatever you want- so no restrictions. However, she did say that there's a chance they will break or that gum will stick to them. If that's the case, then the orthodontist can fix it for you. No worries on this.

Question 6: How long did the process take of getting them off?
-For me it only took around thirty minutes, even though the orthodontist scheduled it for an hour appointment. So probably somewhere between thirty minutes and an hour.

Question 7: How do you get over being nervous when getting them on?
-There is no sure way to get over your nerves. You just have to know that in the end, it is so worth it. If I had known how good my teeth would look after this, I would have looked forward to getting braces (back then I was so mad I had to get them but it is so worth it guys). If you guys saw the difference you would be so excited to get your braces.

Question 8: When you first get your braces how bad was the pain on a scale of 1-10? 10 being the worst.
-I would say... probably a 6-7. The main reason of the pain is that it's constant. After the first week or so, it will all go away. Then again, I am very *cough cough* wimpy, as much as I don't want to admit it. After you've had them on for a while you won't even feel them, guaranteed.

Thank you to everyone that posted questions, and I'm so glad I could answer them for you :) . Hopefully I'll talk to you guys again soon, comment any more questions you have and I'll answer you as soon as I can!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2017 ⏰

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