"What business do you have there?" Justin asked suspiciously. Just then, one of the thieves glanced at the carriage so quickly, it would have been impossible to see if you were not looking at him. But Ariana was. She had seen it.

She looked out the window on the other side of the carriage and saw figures in black silently crawling up to the carriage. That's when it hit Ariana.

These four thieves were only talking to Justin to distract him from these thieves who were trying to take pieces of gold from the carriage. Ariana's heart thumped frantically. Without a second thought, she burst out the carriage door, facing Justin's alarmed expression.

"Ariana!" he whispered violently. "What are you doing? I told you to stay in the carriage!"

"There are more thieves!" she said shakily. "They're just trying to distract you!" she said pointing to the four men standing before them. Justin drew his sword from his waist as did the other guards. The hidden thieves finally popped up into view, taking in hand their small daggers which were no match for Justin's and the guard's swords.

Afraid of getting hurt, Ariana rushed back into the carriage and ducked under the window, not wanting to see what was going on outside.

She heard the clanking of swords followed by a chorus of screams.

"Get back in the carriage!" she heard Justin yell. "Get those horses running!" The carriage shook as the guards started to get back on. The door flew open and Ariana moved over on the cushioned seat to make room for Justin. The door slammed shut after the two other guards had joined them.

The smack of a rope echoed through the air followed by a loud horse neigh. The carriage jolted forward, leaving the empty-handed thieves behind them.

Ariana placed her palms on Justin's cheeks.

"Are you okay?" she asked looking for any cuts or bruises. There was not one.

"I'm fine," he replied, looking into her eyes. "Stuff like this happens all the time. And the thieves always end up empty-handed. Every time."

"So why do they keep trying?" Ariana asked confused. Justin laughed. She loved seeing that smile on his face.

"Because they still think they can steal gold or diamonds from me. Which is... impossible. They are so hungry for money, they just can't stop." Ariana rested her head on him like it was before.

"I'm sorry this had to happen today," he said stroking her hair.

"All that matters is that you're okay," she said. Although she couldn't see it, she knew he was smiling. He leaned down and ever-so gently, kissed her head.

It was almost time.

* * *

The carriage came to a halt. Ariana could hear the wheels of the other carriages squeak to a stop as well. They were there. It was happening. Just from outside the carriage, Ariana could hear nervous muttering among the line of people. It was all coming back to her. The horror. The fear. The sadness of this horrible day. The air was thick with anxiety, but it wouldn't be for long.

"Alright," Justin turned to Ariana. "Are you ready for this?" he asked.

"The real question is are you ready?" she replied. A small curve formed on his lips as he stared into her eyes.

"I was always ready. I just didn't know it until now." He tucked a strand of hair behind Ariana's face and kissed her passionately. The two guards immediately averted their gaze. Ariana smiled in the kiss as she noticed this. She pulled back.

King | j.bOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora