Do You Like Pina Coladas?

Start from the beginning

He hurries to my side taking a hold of my injured hand. "I was dancing and singing the Pina Colada song, and I accidentally cut myself."

He sighs, going to the cupboard and grabbing the first aid kit. "We need to clean the cut, and you need to stop singing that goddamn song."

I sigh and clean the cut under some water before he disinfects it and bandages my cut.

I didn't realise until after that Dad was watching our exchange, with a small smile on his face.

"Now, do you need help cooking?" Derek asks and I shake my head.

"I can do it myself, it's all good," I say with a grin. "Thanks for taking care of my cut." He nods and kisses my cheek before retreating back into the lounge, with Dad in tow.

Now we're eating dinner and it's silent again. Dad is over and done with interrogating Derek. I hate silence. So I resort to breaking the silence. "Yes I like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain!"

"STILES!" Oops.

Lacrosse practise. Can be fun, but sometimes very boring. Today is boring. So, I'm secretly texting Derek while the 1st line does laps. Isaac is injured so he's sitting beside me, watching his 'secret' crush, Scott. I have no complaints though, Isaac was okay with me dating his Alpha so I have no problem with him dating Scott.

Derek told me off for texting during practise. I told him I had too much Adderall, I don't have enough energy, but even he knows that that's total bull. Adderall doesn't work like that.

So, I get an idea. I nudge Isaac and show him what I'm planning on my phone, he grins, nodding. I choose the perfect moment.

Jackson is lining up, getting ready to shoot a goal towards Scott. Just as he's about to shoot, I press play on my phone, Isaac and I jumping up, dancing and yelling/singing. "IF YOU LIKE PINA COLADAS! AND GETTING CAUGHT IN THE RAIN!" Jackson misses completely, shooting over the net. "IF YOU LIKE MAKING LOVE AT MIDNIGHT!"

"LAHEY! BILINSKI!" Coach Finstock booms. "DETENTION!" We 'aww' and sit back down. "And that god dang song is now banned from practise. Forever."

It's a Friday afternoon, Derek is over and Dad is on a late shift. We're cuddling on the couch in silence. It's nice, he's holding me close, I can feel his heartbeat against my back and it's almost lulling me to sleep.

Derek starts to kiss my neck, causing me to chuckle. I'm ticklish there, and he knows that. "Oh, I'm sorry," he murmurs sarcastically. "Did I hit a ticklish spot?"

"Dick," I grumble. I get a thought, and I hate it, but it slips out. "That you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain."

"Stiles," Derek groans out, cutting me off. "Please stop. Why you keep singing that god forsaken song?"

I sigh and turn around so I can face him. "It's stuck in my head!" I practically yell, making him wince. "No matter what I do or what I listen to I just can't get it out of my head! Derek. I would do anything to get that song out of my head!"

As I say that Derek smirks, raising a super-hot bushy eyebrow.

The following Monday, I walk into school practically grinning. Scott gives me a suspicious look. "What happened?" he asks.

"Um... you know that song I was – "

"Yes," Scott cuts in. "I know."

"Well," I grin, elbowing him lightly. "Let's just say, Derek drilled it out of me."

Scott scrunches his eyebrows. "What?"

"Eww!" Lydia exclaims, scrunching her face like she just ate a lemon. "TMI!"

I laugh. "Sorry Lyds." She waves it off, rolling her eyes, walking into school, Scott and I following behind.

School ends with no stuff-ups, and no Pina Colada song. I sigh in relief and walk out just to see Derek's black Camaro. My girl broke down on Saturday, she's getting repaired and I can't pick her up until Thursday so I'm stuck with Derek driving me around places. Not that I'm complaining, it's fun driving around with him.

I get into the car, happy that I haven't sung it all today. "Hi Sourwolf," I greet, kissing him on the cheek. "Today was great. It's not in my head anymore."

"Good," he says with a small smile. "Now, let's get to my apartment so you can get an official tour of the place." He winks. "Maybe even work it in too."

I grin. "Sounds good to me." He nods and heads off towards his apartment.

Half way there, I start to sing. "99 luftballoons." I hum the rest because I don't know German, but I still sing it.

Derek gives me a look. "Is that a one-off thing?" He sounds so hopeful.

I shake my head. "It's stuck. Sorry babe."

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