One: Anna's P.O.V.

Start from the beginning

“The lake, I wanted to see the fireworks.” The Fourth of July fireworks always captivated me and the fact that it was the only time I ever really got to spend time with my father only added to my interest. And besides I hadn't actually done anything that bad. Just disobeyed an order, it wasn't like I'd committed murder or anything.

“We're all trying very hard, Anna, to make things easier for you but you were specifically told to not go outside. Its not safe yet.” One hand went to his hip as the fingers of the other pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Then why move here?” It never made sense to me. We were all perfectly safe where we had been before why the Alpha had suddenly decided to relocate the pack to a town where a pack we've been at war with for the past sixty years lived never ceased to amaze me. Or am I just the only one who can't see the logic in it?

It wouldn't be surprising if I was. No one ever tells me much of anything. This whole relocation was just another thing I've been kept in the dark about. Nothing new there.

“We needed more room. Half the pack's females are pregnant, Anna. And besides, the humans were getting too bold for their own good.” He didn't need to act like I was an incompetent child, its not like I couldn't see that they were pregnant. Its kinda hard to miss if you haven't noticed.

I just don't get why they're all so smiley. I've witnessed child birth first hand, its nothing to be smiling about.

“Look, just stay inside from now on. Marni and Jake were worried about you.”

I scowl at the mention of my new foster parents. I just bet they were worried, worried their paycheck had waltzed out the window with no goodbye and no intention of returning. “Can I at least go into town tomorrow to get some clothes?” I hadn't been able to bring much of anything with me. Not that there had been much left after the fire. There were things I could in fact live without but clothes were a must.

No one but my mate needed to be seeing me naked. And hell could freeze over before that ass would be getting me out of my clothes.

“I'm sure Marni wouldn't mind taking you shopping. You should ask her though, rather than telling her what you'll be doing. They've taken a lot of risk taking you in like this, Anna.” He patted my head like a child as he walked out, pulling my door shut quietly behind him.

He and I both knew I wouldn't be caught dead asking Marni for anything, especially not to take me shopping. Not unless I wanted to be informed of just how much of a disappointment my mother had been. No, thank you. I'll just have to be cautious when I leave in the morning. If I can lose my mate in the forest then getting out of this house alone shouldn't be that hard.

The thought of my mate brought back the headache I'd just managed to get rid of and my wolf started her damn howling again. She would get over it, eventually. I think.

It was all his fault, damn it! If he had just left me alone to watch the freakin' fireworks like I wanted my head wouldn't feel like its splitting in half. True, it was partially my fault. I shouldn't have been out in the middle of the night in the first place and I could have not rejected him. But what was I supposed to do? Stand there and let him reject me? Not likely.

I watched my mother go through that hell all my life, its not something I wish to live through myself.

I hadn't even meant to leave my room in the first place but when I'd heard the fireworks in the distance my curiosity got the better of me. I've always loved fireworks so ignoring the bright colors when they're so close isn't exactly easy for me.

I'd gotten lost, of course, and ended up in the neutral zone between our pack and the other in town. Not the smartest idea, but I couldn't have cared less about the supposed danger. After all, the lake was neutral territory, I had just as much right to be there as he did.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2012 ⏰

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