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Aquamarine's P.O.V.


    " Aqua ? " 

" w- what ?" I said half asleep

" Aqua !?!"

" AHH .... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON !!!!!!!" I yelled as I fell out of my seat

" Hahaha!!!!!!" I look up and find Irene l.H.A.O. ( laughing her ass off )

" HA.HA.HA.HA.... YEA yea yea very funny.... Irene!!!! shut the fuck up already !!! "

I yelled while she kept laughing but shut up after I told her too.

" yea okay, what the hell crawled up your ass dude chill "

after she did that I calmed down automatically its weird she always does this its creepy

sometimes I feel like she's more than just human

I need to look her up

she still doesn't know about my family being were wolfs

but I might tell her because she's practically my sister and I love her and hate lying to her

" Aqua, class is over, matter of fact you kinda missed 2 periods "

" holy shit , no way , for real..... ?"

" yea for real now get your ass up or your gonna miss P.E. too."

" oh shit what time is it ?"

" late! hurry up !! we have like two min. to get there and change !!!" she screamed while running out the door

" shit , coming !!!!!"


2 min. later

I was now standing on my number ready to begin with our killers

its an exsercise we normally do

" every one on your number " yelled the leaders for today which contained Daniel , Josh , and Sonny

" ready begin "

after that we continued with our warm ups and finished after about 20 min

I was extra excited because we are doing soccer this month

and as you can see I love soccer

I'm very competitive when it comes to sports

I love to win

but the only time I can actually play against another team is during P.E. because I ........ may or may not have ......anger issues. So when I lose and the other team is being cocky I get very very very very very very very very very very very very very very ...... pissed off

and most of the time end up getting in a fight 

yea so I can't join the school soccer team : (

yea I know .............. poor me ; )

but hey at least I get to beat up the cocky person

    I can live without sports

" Okay team captains for today are......... Santiago and Pepe . "

they're both pack warriors from my pack and very good looking if I may add

oh and are extremely competitive

" Okay guys flip a coin on who's going to chose first "


" Santiago choose ."

"  uhm.... I choose Aqua "

every one turns and looks as shocked as I probably am

it just doesn't make since he always chooses his girlfriend first why me

oh shit his girlfriend she is gonna throw one hell of a bitch fit



so hows every one this fine day love you all sorry for taking so long to update I got writers block I know sad isn't it ; (

well till next time my lovely muffins


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