Timmy: Tecna said a report about a spell book?

Nabu: A spell book? What kind of spell book?

Timmy: Something about Special Dream?

Helia: A ' Special Dream Spell Book ' ? Why did they need that?

Timmy: *shrugged*

Brandon: Then if they finished their report already, then where are they?

Riven: I feel like something is wrong.

Sky: What do you mean?


Stella's P.O.V

Me: Ms. Faragonda? You wanted to talk to me?

Miss. F: Stella, have a seat.

I followed her instruction, and took a seat.

Me: So Miss, what are we talking about?

Miss. F: Stella, how are your friends?

Me: *sigh* Actually, I kind of nervous and worried for Bloom.

Miss. F: Why?

Me: She and the other Winx are gone. They always tell me that Bloom is acting weird, but I kinda not listening to them. 'Cause c'mon, there has to be a difference between living here on Alfea and living on Piros.

Miss. F: Stella *sigh*. Do you know why I summoned you here?

Me: Ah... Nope.

Miss. F: Stella, you and the Winx. I need all of you to help me.

Me: Why?

Miss. F: I feel like, in a few days or weeks, something bad will happen. I know one fairy is in danger. And once she fell into the wrong hands, Everything will be destroyed.

I was shocked at what Miss. Faragonda said. I mean, DANGER!? 

Me: Then who's this fairy that is in danger?

Miss. F: That's why I need you and the Winx. I don't know who she is.

I gulped at that thought that she know! Uh-Oh i have a bad feeling.

Me and Miss. Faragonda was shocked when the Winx came in and so as the Specialists.

Miss. F: Girls, Boys. What are you doing here?

Flora: Miss, We need your help.

Miss. F: What kind of help?

Aisha: You have to perform the spell, miss.

Miss. F: What spell?

Brandon: Wait! why are we here again?

Musa: We all have to know the truth.

Stella: What truth? Where's Bloom?

Aisha: Here.

Aisha used her powers to carry Bloom Inside.

Winx Club: Bloom And SkyWhere stories live. Discover now