Chapter 32 - One step closer yet two steps back

Start from the beginning

"Uncle, I just came to tell you that the plan is working perfectly. She trusts me, especially since I'm helping her learn combat moves," Kyle says as he comes in through the door.

I didn't miss the look of regret on Kyle's face as he spoke. Hmm... Interesting. Maybe there's slight hope that I could bring him over to my side so that this stupid war doesn't happen and the safety of Kat and Daphne is still intact.

"You forgot to knock you insolent child! But, it's nice to hear that the plan is going well. At least one of you is doing your job!" my father says, giving me a hard look.

"Now, what's next uncle?" Kyle asked warily.

"Out! Zander, you are no longer needed," my father says, his red eyes piercing into me, making me do as he says.

I step out and slam the door behind me. I'm just about to leave when I hear something. I hear it again as I turn around.

"Zander?" I hear a very familiar voice say.

"Daphne?" I ask.

She rushes towards me and brings me into a hug.

"I'm so glad your okay, I haven't heard from you in a while and I was worried that something had happened to you so I decided to follow Kyle and then he went in and then I saw you come out and you were safe and-" she rambled.

"Daph calm down, I'm fine. What are you doing here?" I ask, cutting her off.

"I was training with Kyle. I thought you knew," she said, scrunching her face in confusion.

"Up until a couple minutes ago I was not aware. But that's not important, you musn't trust him. Atleast not yet," I say, trying not to give out any details.

"Why not?" she asks, looking behind me at the closed doors.

Oh yeah you know, my psycho father is trying to make you queen for reasons that I don't even know myself and will and has gone to great lengths in order to do so. He always ends up getting what he wants. Also, your trainer is on his side but I'm sure that not for long. He's already caused a gap apparently between you and Arron. And my father between me and Kat.

"Just trust me on this, I will tell you everything when the time is right," I say, trying to be as vague with my answer as I can.

She opens her mouth to argue but before she could, I ask, "So how are you? You know, after the letter?"

She seems to want to go back to what we were talking about but, lets out a sigh and then her face contorts into confusion.

"What letter?"

"The one my fath- I mean, th-the one that was left at Arron's pack," I say, catching myself.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she says shaking her head.

"Arron didn't show it to you? It was written to you," I say, scrunching my eyebrows together.

"No, he didn't. Oh god I just have a feeling that its nothing good," she gasps, her eyes widening.

Yeah, I mean it came form my dad.

"Do you think you can take me there?" she asks me.

I nod and motion for her to get on my back.

Daphne's POV

Zander runs in his vampire speed to Arron's and we're there before I know it. We go up to the door and I knock.

The door is quickly opened and I see it's Luke. He pulls me inside and starts walking. I see the house is trashed. Like a tornado happened in here.

"What the heck happened in here?" I asked.

"Arron." was all he said.

Zander was following behind me as Luke pulled me up the stairs to Arron's office. I could hear muffled things crashing in there. I opened the door and felt a deju vu happen as I saw his office trashed as I did last time.

He stopped what he was about to throw and let out a growl. At first I thought that it was directed at me but then I saw that he was staring directly at Zander, who was standing behind me. I saw Luke was hiding behind him.

I look at them both and say, "Hey can I have some moments alone with him?"

Zander looks a little hesitant but, nods. I close the door and turn back to Arron. I'm surprised to see that he has tears running down his face. I close the distance and bring him into a tight hug.

"Hey hey, it's okay." I assure him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he repeats over and over into my neck.

I can feel the wetness of his tears on my shoulder but it doesn't bother me.

"Hey it's all going to be okay, okay?" I say, caressing his hair.

"I just don't know anymore. It feels like everything has been going wrong lately. First is with the war and the pressure of being alpha and then our problems," he says, lifting his head and roughly wiping his tears.

He scuffs and says, "And now I'm crying. I'm the alpha and I'm crying. That just makes me look weak."

"Hey don't say that. It does not make you weak, it just shows you're human, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It just makes you a stronger alpha, you have a heart, and the care you have for this pack is what makes it strong," I say, grabbing his face, making him look at me.

He stares in my eyes and I'm transfixed by his look. He looks so vulnerable, a side that I've never seen and thought I would never see. These sides that I've never seen from him, make me fall for him again. Dangerously fall in love for him every time. We close the distance slowly until his lips are brushing against mine. He collides our lips in a soft kiss. A kiss that was so delicate, like he was scared to kiss me too hard. I pulled away. I was still angry at him, but I had to concede that this was definitely a step closer to me forgiving him. He gives me a smile, he seems happier now. Then remember the reason I came here for.

"Why haven't you showed me the letter?" I ask a little annoyed.

His smile quickly changes to a frown.

"Who told you?" he says, a tad bit pf anger evident in his voice.

"Doesn't matter. Show me it now," I say crossing my arms.

He stays where he is with a blank look.

"Show me it!" I shout.

He's still un-moving.

"I have a right to read it!" I say louder this time.

The door to the office opens and in comes Zander, Luke, and Ben.

"Well?!" I say, stepping closer to him.

"No." he says looking me in the eyes.

"Why did you trash the place?! Who do you think you are?!" I yell angrily.

He stays quiet, only making me more angry.

"You got another letter didn't you." I say rather than ask.

His look faltered, answering my question.

"She deserves to see," Ben said, coming to my aid.

Arron looked at the top of his messy desk and I saw the letters that had my name on it. I snatched them and opened the first one. I read it and felt my eyes start to water. I shakily opened the other one while the others just looked at me in silence.

Dear Luna,

Your time is running out. Your father and mother will pay if you don't come. Meet me at the cafe you went with your so called mate to by 3 tomorrow and they will be safe. Oh and come alone or whoever acompanies you will die.
               King Ametheus

I felt the room start to spiral as I fell on my knees. Only six words kept repeating in my head.

My mother is here and alive.

Welp there it is. Thank you guys so much for reading and until next time! Toddles! ❤️

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