Alicia Smith: The Untold Story of The Doctor(also includes The Vamps <3)

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Chapter 1

" Hey Alicia you ready?" asked one of my best friends, Emily. Her chocolate brown hair whipped in the wind. She had grown so much over the summer that I had almost forgotten that she was still my age. " Yeah I'm ready. Where is Charlotte?" Right on cue Charlotte rounded the corner that lead to City Park. Sitting on her right shoulder was a cute puppy bag that reminded me of her dog when it was much younger. As she neared us Emily said rather loudly, "Speaking so fondly of Queen Charlotte!" We both bowed to her. It was a little joke we had about Charlotte, based on the fact that she takes ages to choose what to wear and get ready.

       " My loyal subjects," she replied in a London accent, " Please be grateful for friendship with one with high status and lots of wealth. For she will give one all one needs, wealth, wealth and wealth!" She twirled around on the last 'wealth'. As she did, grey pigeons around her flew elegantly towards the sky like in a movie. After a few minutes of laughing, the rest of our friends came. Michael, Connor and Callum were all walking towards us whilst play fighting. BOYS!

       Once they had reached us we were still laughing. Curiously Michael asked,  " What's so funny?" all three of us started laughing again, hard, whilst the boys looked at each other confused. " In... side... joke!" I said between laughing. We were laughing so hard that we started crying rivers. A few minutes later we all set out to the centre of our town, Bradford. We had an amazing day planned; first the cinema, then the restaurant and finally the park. I was so excited! Taking our time we walked along talking and laughing when I heard it; "VRHOOOM, VRHOOOM". It sounded just like... no it couldn't be... the TARDIS! I looked all around and there I saw it a 1950s police box materialising . I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming but it was still there. How could that be? I mean the Doctor is a made up alien from the planet Galifrey who travels through time and space. There was no way he could be real. Michael's snapping finger brought out of my thoughts.

      " Hey where were you? Not dreaming about Doctor Who fan fiction again?" he sighed. " I really hope I'm dreaming." they followed my gaze and Emily let out a little gasp. They knew a TARDIS when they saw one. It seemed like time had slowed down. After what seemed like an age of staring, a man poked his head out of the now open door. He looked like the 9th doctor. After looking at the place he had landed he shot back in like a dart. He immediately reappeared with a girl I recognised Billie Piper or Rose Tyler in the British drama. Rose seemed to spot us first and dragged the Doctor with her. Me and my friends all looked at each other thinking of what to do. "Guys he might not even come over to us. Act casual." We carried on walking towards City Park.

      Walking along I could hear footsteps running trying to get closer and voices whispering. Just as we reached the entrance of the park a hand tapped me on my shoulder I twirled round to see the Doctor and Rose. The Doctor was in his usual T-shirt and leather jacket. Rose was also wearing her usual choice, T-shirt and jeans with a jacket. Okay so I'm a massive Doctor Who fan, what's wrong with that? I decided acting that I knew they were famous would be very convincing. "OMG! Aren't you the guy that plays the nineth Doctor?" Luckily the others caught on very fast. "We're massive fans of Doctor Who!" Charlotte cut in. " Can we have your autographs?Please!" Emily added. The Doctor and Rose just gave each other confused looks. Rose was first to speak, " How do you know us?" she asked with a hint of curiosity. Then she whispered to the Doctor, " This girl and her friends here a bit nuts!" even though she whispered it she did it rather loudly, probably on purpose. " Hey!" the Doctor said, " My daughter isn't nuts and as for her friends she chooses them very well don't you Alicia?" Did he just call me his daughter? My friends all turned to me for an explanation. I didn't have one. So I replied, "Look I know your an actor who is probably on drugs but I've never met you before in my life. I have no idea how you know me but its creepy so could you just go and act with someone else, please!"

   He drew his Sonic screwdriver and scanned me. " Erm excuse me what are you doing?" I asked as anger flushed over me. He ignored me for about two minutes as people stared wondering what was going on. BEEP! The scan was done. He stared at the sonic then at me. Turning towards Rose he said, " Its definitely her but what is she talking about. Me actor?" I really thought I was going to have a heart attack right there. Suddenly I could hear 'Wild heart' by my favourite band  The Vamps. After a moment or two I realised it was my phone. Zipping out my teal phone from my grey backpack I glanced at my friends who always tease me when my phone rings due to my obsession with The Vamps. They never seem to disappoint me. We laughed even in a situation like this. I quickly answered the call without even battering an eyelid towards the name. " Hello?" I asked as I saw the Doctor and Rose exchange looks like 'these are weird kids, eh?'. My mum was on the other side. "Alicia you need to come home. There are some people  looking for you."

     I sighed in an irritated way.  " Do they happen to be travelling in a time machine, and star in my fave British Drama?" I asked her. I heard both my parents gasp so I guessed that the phone was on speaker. "Are they there?" she asked but not giving me a chance to reply she started asking so many questions. "Are you okay? They haven't hurt you have they? Can I talk to them? Hello are you still there? Why are you not talking?" she paused here so I decided to speak. "Yeah they're here and...I'm fine." I risked a glance at my friends to see they were all trying really hard not to laugh at that last bit. I blushed under my fringe, very embarrassed. A sudden hand on my shoulder made me flinch. It was the Doctor wearing a sympathizing look on his face. In an instant my phone was in his hand as I watched his finger press on the red call end button. Quickly glancing at my friends I could tell they were as shocked as I was. "Alicia your coming with us no matter what your 'parents' say!" he said very sternly whilst emphasising the word 'parents'. A shadow of sadness passed over his face but was soon back to his stern mess-with-me-and-I'll-hurt-you look. Without another word said he grabbed my wrist, like I was a stupid toddler throwing a tantrum over sweets, and lead me over to the TARDIS.


Sorry to leave it there guess I'm mean!!! :P Love to hear from you guys. Oh and please check out my other story 'Natalie Prime: The Beginning Of My Secrets'. I know I haven't updated that story in ages but I am trying to prioritize now and hopefully update regulaly ! Follow me on twitter @vampette_whovia

LOVE YA'LL!!! <3 xxx

Alicia Smith: The Untold Story of The Doctor(also includes The Vamps &lt;3)Where stories live. Discover now