Chapter 31: Different

Start from the beginning

"So what do you suggest we do?" Nonon asked looking at him. The male then put his hand to his chin and thought about it for a moment. "We'll split up into groups of four and two, the twins will pair up with Satsuki and Ryuko seeing as how they're the strongest out of us. Then we'll have two members constantly observing what's happening around them," Zero said looking at them.

"Alright will do now is there anything we should be aware of," Satsuki asked looking at the male in front of her. Zero then looked over to his side and looked at Honnouji academy. "Well let's just hope that this isn't the possibility were," A loud explosion cut Zero off and the other members that were capable of moving looked out the window to see that Honnouji academy had fire and smoke coming from it.

When Ryuko and the others saw this they all ran out the room and started to head towards Honnouji. When Zero saw this, however, he walked over to the window and sighed. "So this is one of those possibilities huh? Well, then we're going to have to play our cards right if we want to get everyone out of this alive." Zero then sighed as he said this and sat back down.

"What do you mean?" Houka asked as he looked at the male that was sitting down in front of him.

"Why aren't you with them?" Zero asked looking at the blue-haired male in front of him.

"I'm not much of fighting unless I'm forced to and if Ryuko and Satsuki can't bring down whatever's attacking the city then what makes you think that I have any chance of winning?" Houka asked looking at him.

"I don't know I guess it's just overall hoping," Zero said looking at him.

Houka then lets out a slight chuckle and when he did he sat down beside Zero "So seeing as how you're almost certain that we're going to lose what's the first thing we need to do in order to make sure we all live through this?" Houka asked looking at Zero.

"We need Ryuko," Zero said looking at him.

"What?" Houka asked looking at the male in front of him.

"I may not know whether or not this is going to work but it's worth a shot. If we can just get her to do one thing then our chances of winning go up greatly," Zero said looking at the male that was in front of him.

When the seven members that had left arrived at the academy they saw a figure standing in the middle of all the destruction a figure that they thought was dead and hoped they'd never have to see again. There in the middle of all the destruction stood the white-haired mother of Ryuko and Satsuki. "RAGYO'S ALIVE!" Mako said pointing at the male in front of her.

"Yes I'm very much alive and I'm here with some help," The white-haired female said as she snapped her fingers and six figures appeared before her, "Everyone I'd like you to meet your alter ego's," The female said looking at the figures in front of her. In front of her stood a copy of Satsuki, Nonon, Ira, Uzu, Mako, and two identical copies of the twins.

Ragyo then snapped her fingers and each of her creations sprang to life and tried to kill their alternate self. "What's the matter Ragyo don't have someone for me to fight or were you just that eager for another beat down?" Ryuko said looking at the figure in front of her.

"Ryuko I tried to create someone for you to fight but seeing as how you're already part life fiber I couldn't create another you. However I do have someone for you to fight and I believe that you're quite familiar with him," Ragyo said as she smiled.

"Yeah, and who would that be?" Ryuko asked as she started up at the white-haired figure in front of her.

"That would be me," She heard a voice say rather close behind her. Without thinking, she then turned around her blade already in hand. When she turned around she saw that the figure in front of her was none other than the male that they had been searching for. There in front of her stood [Name] she wanted to stop her sword but it showed no signs of slowing down.

However, her sword soon came to a stop as [Name] easily stopped the sword. "I'm a little offended that that's how you greet me Ryuko," He said as he turned the female figure around and kicked her in the back. This sent her flying into the concrete bleachers she then walked out of the bleachers and looked at the male in front of her. It was now that she realized that the ring he had always worn was no longer on his finger.

"Listen [Name] I don't know what's gotten into you but you need to snap out of it," Ryuko said as she looked at the male figure in front of her. However Ragyo soon appeared behind [Name] and she smiled holding up two of her fingers her index finger and her middle finger. Each had a long life fiber attached to it. One that lead to the back of [Name]'s neck and the other lead to his heart.

"Come on Ryuko why don't you play with him," Ragyo said as the life fibers disconnected from her fingers and was sucked into his neck and heart.

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