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Brennan's POV

It was early when I heard a knock. Normally, I'm up around eight since I had to work at nine. It was barely light out now. I estimated it was about seven. If I knew Booth like I thought I did, he was at work. He worked from seven to four. So Parker would be with Tasha right now. (A/N: in this story, Booth has full custody of Parker).

I looked through my peephole. It was Parker and he was badly hurt. Poor boy. Who'd do that to a sweet little boy?

"Mommy?" Parker's voice cracked as he called. He was crying. Poor boy.

Bruises covered his face. Blood was running from his nose and mouth as he wiped it with a tissue. His hands were bruised from being dragged. That poor boy. Who would do that to such a sweet boy?

I quickly opened the door and scooped him up in my arms. I shut the door and carried him to the couch. I knew Booth would never ever do this. He loves his little boy too much to do it.

"Shh, Parker, you're okay," I soothed the crying boy.

He was like a son to me. I loved him with all of my heart.

Tears were making my shirt wet but I didn't mind. My heart broke for the cute boy. Parker never ever deserved something this bad.

I sat him on the couch and had antibiotic cream, bandages, bandaids, a blanket and his favorite animal crackers. This poor innocent boy. Whoever did this was gonna pay.

"Buddy, after I apply bandages, I'm gonna take you to work with me. We'll call your dad on the way there. Stay on the couch, please."

I turned on Discovery Channel and it had Steve Irwin and Bindi Irwin. Much to Booth's "dismay" (he secretly is proud), Parker is very into science. For a kindergartener, he was very brilliant.

I applied the antibiotic cream on the wounds and put on bandages. Luckily, they didn't sting. I held his head back and stopped the bleeding. Thankfully, he was okay. I put bandaids on his wrists and I looked at him. Just seeing him like this made me cry.

"Mommy, that didn't hurt at all!" He grinned. He had that irresistible Booth smile.

He loved calling me Mommy and since his real mom was a drunk who didn't want him, I was his only mother figure aside from Tasha but she didn't care.

I had his bag all ready. An extra set of clothes, toys, books, snacks and his favorite stuffed dog.

"Good, I'm glad, sweetie. Let's get you into new clothes, okay, baby?"

I picked out a blue long sleeve shirt with jeans and tennis shoes. After combing his hair and him brushing his teeth, we were ready. I had gotten myself into a purple top with black slacks and black flats with my lab coat. I zipped Parker up in his yellow and blue coat and me into my black overcoat.

I shut off the TV and lights and walked with him down to my car. He greeted the lobbyman and escorted me to the car. Sweet boy.

"Need help getting buckled in?"

He still needed a 5 point harness. Booth wanted him in one until he was seven.

Parker shook his head and got the buckle.

I kissed his head and shut the door. I got in and called Booth.

I heard Booth talking to Sweets.

"Booth. Hey, Bones, there isn't a case yet..."

I shook my head. "Booth, your son has deep bruises on his face, a bloody nose and grab marks on his wrist."

Booth's face fell. "Is he okay? Where is he?"

"Booth, I've got him. I'm gonna take him to Cam for a checkup then he'll stay with Hodgins for awhile. You need to!"

"On my way, Bones!"

I hung up and drove to the Jeffersonian. He was snuggled in a blanket, reading.

"We're here, buddy," I parked and held him. He started to cry again and I rubbed his back.

Cam ran down the platform. "Aww. Poor Parker."

"I think I did everything right. Booths on his way."

Cam nodded. "You did. Give him to Hodgins or Angela now."

I decided on Angela. But he was free to go to any of us. But we needed to talk to him. Find out who did this. I suspected Tasha. She hates children especially Parker.

I walked down towards Angela's office. Angela was looking through files. She loved Parker and all kids. She wanted kids with Hodgins but Sweets broke them up...

"Hey Angela," I smiled and put Parker down.

He ran and hugged her. "Hey Auntie Angela."

Angrla beamed. "Hey Baby Booth. Aww what happened to your face?"

"Tasha got mad that I was trying to defend Mommy. I told her that Mommy never smokes or drinks around me. And she never beats me. She yelled at me to shut up then beat me. She said that she was my mommy more then Mommy was but I had to call her Mama a-a-and..." Parker burst into tears.

Angela kissed his head. "Shh, buddy, you're safe. You're okay."

I nodded. "Daddy will believe you."

Angela nodded. "You can play a game with me, buddy."

I heard footsteps which I thought to be Booth's but they were a familiar females...

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