29. The champagne experience (Henry 2014)

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A/N: So this chapter is a little long. It's their first date, so it has to be! Please bear with me and read through it all. Suggestions are always welcome. Also, I've entered Claire and Henry's story (A message from heaven) into the2017Awards contest, so please please support and vote if you like their story!


Henry POV 2014

My phone vibrates for the hundredth time. I glance at the screen and sees George's name. Again.

He must be fuming only finding out about my whereabouts this morning from Zayden. Well, midnight L.A. time.

"Be back Monday." I text without any explanation whatsoever. I figure I'm entitled to a weekend off after the Paris' tour.

I switch it off and lounge back in a small wooden chair at a Parisienne cafe across from my old apartment building.

I take a bite of my croissant and a sip from my coffee feeling a bit jetlagged but otherwise well rested. I forced myself to sleep on the plane knowing I would need my rest as I've only got the weekend to spend with her. I did talk to Rita for a bit though, managing to exchange information with her.

I look at my watch and scratch my wig. I've been here since half an hour ago.

God, this new black wig is itchy.

It's already 08:00 a.m. My heartbeat suddenly accelerates as I know it could be any time now until we finally meet.

I finish my croissant in two big bites trying to settle the queasy feeling in my stomach. I tell myself that it was just hunger but I know it's the prospect of finally meeting her face to face.

Suddenly a group of people comes out bursting from the apartment. My gaze automatically falls on one tall and slender brunette in a flowery print dress.


I'm positive it's her. She looks breath taking. Her loose but shapely dress hangs just above her knees makes her look so pure. To top it off, she has her hair braided and pulled to the side.

I don't know why but the innocent look seriously drives me crazy. I can feel my annoyance with her dissipating already. If we ever get serious, this girl is only going to get me wrapped around her little finger. Urgh.

A smile etches on her face as she embraces the beautiful sunny weather.

I pull out 5 pounds and throw it on the table, informing the café keeper that I'm leaving. I put on my shade and quickly went after Claire, keeping my distance at about 10 feet away from her at all times.

I follow her to the bus stop.

She's taking the A301 bus.

I quickly realize that she's going to the Westminster Bridge. The Queen's walk, really? How predictably touristy is she?

I follow her all the way through her Queen's walk tour from Westminster Bridge all the way to the St Paul's Cathedral. She skips London's eye and reserves it for last.

To watch the sunset. How Claire.. I roll my eyes but couldn't help but feel a tug at the corner of my lips.

When we arrive at London's eye, it's clear that we have to queue for at least 3 hours to be able to go on the ride. The queue iss freakishly long and it's already 5:00 p.m.

"Seriously?" She sighs exaggeratedly as she begins to fall in the long queue. I fall in right behind her, only making my presence known now. A faint floral smell invades my nostril as I stand literally back to back with her. She crumples her London map into her purse and crosses her arms. Her lips form into a thin straight line.

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