Dr. Schuttman's Prisoners

Start from the beginning

People had until the age of 25 and they were either Les Boîtes- the happy conformists who were given a large grant of money and a new home to provide the illusion of a happy, perfect citizen who fit perfectly inside the box.

Or they were Les Gris- those sentenced to work through the night and pay for the lifestyle of the new country and make sure Dr. Schuttman's dream remained a reality.

You had a hearing on your 25th birthday, or after an offense that would have been acceptable in the days before the Great Divide. The hearing was all a show, your destiny predetermined. Those who were Les Gris were the most entertaining as every transgression since childhood was read before a courtroom.

To provide further entertainment it could be reviewed every six months.

You were assigned to a job at the beginning. Your performance was reviewed every six months. Your real job was to "contribute" 90% of your paycheck to the "Good of the Country". It was your patriotic duty since you failed in so many other ways. Remember, money was power in the New Confederacy, and they made sure you had no power. No vote, no money, no power to bribe a politician or even a judge to be a little more lenient on you.

You even paid for your review hearing!

Hide you away and make you pay!

It doesn't matter that Dr. Schuttman died long before I was born. He died of a heart attack. I refused to believe a reprobate like him had a heart in that chest. More like a muscle that simply pumped blood through that depraved man.

I blame him for my slow demise.

The blood of millions is on his perfectly manicured hands clasped in front of him in the portrait. That confident, toothy smile in the tanned face. The squinty eyes, too close together. The thick ash-blonde hair streaked with grey. It's the smile of a man who makes money off the suffering of others. It is the smile of a man who thinks the world is his and he is entitled to get what he wants. It is the smile of a man who could pay you to believe what he wanted you to believe.

He actually reminds me more of a Pastor or a politician than a scientist. Still, if you were to read his science, it's almost like a form of politics.

What he said was the government wanted to hear.

He did what the people wanted the government to do so that the state could run and the coffers could fill back up again.

Dr. Schuttman was the Dr. Mengele of his day.

Dr. Schuttman's Les Gris started as a perverted form of a concentration camp. Instead of concentrating those who rebelled in one place...it was decided that the rebellious, non-conforming ones would isolated, spread out. Kept out of contact with the outside world. Hidden like the shameful beings they really were.

Instead of being a secret, Les Gris would be known to all. The threat to keep people in line.

Step outside of the box, and this is the fate that awaits you!

Dr. Schuttman was almost a Dr. Mengele in reverse and his methods were every bit as deadly to those who were sentenced to them.

Instead of being starved the new prisoners were plied with all the cheap, sugary processed foods their wretched metabolisms craved.

Oh, how the body craves those unhealthy foods!

The body does not know any better and the brain does not balance well enough to make a difference. The brain is so exhausted from lack of sleep that it no longer cares.

Just give it sugar, and it connects a thought.

Give it enough sugar and those people can actually function well enough to do their jobs.

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