All Fun And Games.

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Once you and your brothers finished breakfast, then seven of you went into the garden to play a game. "what game do you want to play?" Ayato asked, by this time it was only Kanato, Laito, Subaru, Ayato and I that were playing (Shu had responsibilities to take care of, while Reiji had no interest in playing with us). " Let's play tag!" Laito exclaimed. "Ok fine but your it," I said while running away playfully.

I hid in the rose bushes while watching the boys run around looking for me. "Ha, I found you y/n!" Ayato yelled as he slapped my back ."You're it y/n" he yelled as he ran away. I chased after him and the others for a while. "Y/n, come over here please," Christa said as she appeared from behind the fountain. "Yes mother," you said obediently and walked over to her.

She brought me inside and the two of us went into my room, "Why are we here?"

"I need to tell you something about your nightmares and hallucinations," she said worriedly. "Can you stop them?" I asked eagerly. "No I cannot." she sadly said. "Since you are the youngest and only daughter in the Sakamaki family, that means that you will have more powers than your brothers and increased power with the ones you already have. Your father wanted you to be special, y/n. I'm sorry you have to go through this."

I looked at her, not fully understanding what she was saying. "But, why do I have the nightmares?" I protested. "We think it has something to do with the development with your powers".

I was still confused but asked her what powers I will get. She explained to me that she has no idea what powers I would get and how we have to look for signs of them in the future. " You can go and play now, but don't tell the boys what we just talked about, your father and I will talk to them later."

You ran back to the garden to the boys, while you were playing you kept thinking about what she said and tried to understand what it meant. You just ignored it as the day went on, but I might figure it out later. After a few hours of beating your brothers in multiple games of soccer, the five of you were exhausted and went to sleep with ease.

*later that night*

Ayato walked into my room as I was trying to wake up from my nap. "Hey y/n are you awake?" I nodded slightly. "What do you want," you asked. " I just wanted to know if you were alright, that's all"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I murmured into my pillow before resting my head upon my arm. He gave me a look of concern with his bright green eyes. "We know about your powers, all of us do" I see, she has already told them, but they probably understand it a bit more than I do.

"You're our little sister and you know you can talk to us about anything". I nodded at his words, understanding what he meant. "I know I can," I responded as I sat myself up. 

The two of us stared at each other for a while before I broke the silence, "I mean, what would I do if I didn't have any of you around?" Once I said that Ayato gave me a hug before leaving me to sleep a bit more. 

"Sleep well, y/n." He whispered as he closed the door.

{Diabolik Lovers} The Sakamaki Sister.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat