chapter 2

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    Samantha got to school feeling better than the day before. She walked into class with a big bright smile.
   People gave her strange looks like she just kissed Sarah's boy friend. But Sam just kept on walking. She didn't mind the fact that her only friends were a group of kids from random stereotypical groups. Like her friend Alex a good girl stereotype. Alex does her homework all the time and even asks for more. Unlike Sam that is a complete bad girl. She talks back to teachers doesn't do her homework and goes to the office about twice a month. Her friend Bridget is a fun loving girl. She loves to dye her hair different colors like purple blue and pink. Her other friend ri or Rihannon that is in love with art.
    As Sam was walking she heard something that shattered her heart in half. She heard that all of her friends were in the same car and got in a car crash going to pick her up for a night out.
    They were going to pick Sam up for a night out knowing she left the school early that day. Suddenly the car infront of them slid on the icy road and crashed into the car infront of it. Ri couldn't stop the car it slid right into the car crash ahead crushing the front of the car killing ri and hurting the 2 girls in the back of the car.
    "What hospital are they in?!" Samantha yelled. After she got the information she needed she called Zach crying. He got to the school immediately and then went straight to the hospital.
  Samantha went to the front desk and asked for information on her best friends. The only people she trusted and cared for aside from her brother. "Im sorry young lady but your friends have passed away from the crash." the lady told her quietly. "W-what?"  she fell to the floor crying and screaming.
     That night Sam couldn't sleep at all she stayed up the whole night crying. As her world crumbled around her. She felt numb. She didn't leave her room the next day. She wouldn't eat she wouldn't sleep and she wouldn't even talk to the only family she had left.
    Her and her brother are the only 2 survivors of a Christmas horror scene. The house was burnt to the ground with her family's lifeless bodies still inside.
   The weak after the deaths of her friends she went back to school. "You know Sam your the reason there dead" "its all your fault" "I hope you die" was all she heard from her classmates that day.
    She started shaking. She couldn't breath. She grabbed the scissors from her desk and went home. The rest of the day she planned how she would kill her classmates. They said horrible things about the people that were dear to her heart and that she's bad luck.
    She couldn't take it. She wanted to kill she wanted them all to die. she waited until dark then She grabbed the kitchen knife she had in her room and left the house she once called home

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