Reality Check

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Besides the news the "omeeka community " found out earlier , I still would love to publish omeeka books . So here is the first chapter for my new one shots book. Hope y'all enjoy 😘. - shy .

Nicki Pov

"Meeeek" ! I said threw giggles

We were on the beach and he had me upside down swinging me back and forth

"Okay I'll stop". He said pulling me up

Once our eyes meet I fell in love with him all over again

"I love you so much". He said

I smiled " I love you too baby".

Soon it turned into a heated make out session . Our tongues was dancing together but soon fighting for dominance. I lost .

I broke this kiss "Can we go back to the hotel" ?

"Hell yea ". He put me down "Let's go".

That was the best night of my life . Meek always treated me like I was his everything . His last breath.

"I don't think I can take this "...

It's been 2 weeks since Meek and I broke up . On his instagram he seem perfectly fine , all them hoes and going out all the time . Me on the other hand was a complete wreck.

"Okay so for the winter wonderland fashion show I was thinking they could wear snow angel type wings and lingerie ". She said

"Nic are you okay " ? Bella my best friend asked taking me out my trance .

"Of course , now back to the topic ".

"No your not ". She sat down "Are you still thinking about Meek"? She asked looking concerned

I tried my best to hold in my cries "No. I was just day dreaming ".

"Nic you don't have to lie ". She said rubbing my back

Soon all the tears I was hiding came .

"I just don't understand. How could he say he love me soo much but be doing what he is ".

"That could all be a lie Nicki . He could just be posting that stuff to keep his mind away from you . I remember when you left for New York for TWO days". I giggled "Only two days and y'all missed the hell out of each other , what do you think 2 weeks is doing to him "?

"You have a point . But this is the longest it's ever been ".

"He'll come around . Or you stop being stubborn and text him ".

"That won't be happening. But I got to go ".

"Are you sure your going to be okay"?

"Yes i just need some rest . I'm going to go home and just chill ".

"Okay text me later. Please don't forget ".

"Okay , Mom". I said sarcastically

I packed all the photos and magazines up and made my way out the conference room. I walked down to the lobby and into the parking garage. I unlocked my car door and placed all my things in the passenger seat , then soon started the car.

I checked the time on my phone which read 5:37 pm. Usually by now Meek and I would be having dinner or bomb sex .. god I miss the sex .

I unlocked my phone and clicked the message icon . I scrolled all the way down to the bottom and found "Loml💏💍" . No I haven't deleted his number .. I should though , soon I will have to start fresh and get things done with my life . He moved on ,so will I .

I pressed the delete contact option and soon the number disappeared from the screen

"Great start".. I said to myself .

"Let me get two swisher sweets". I told the man behind the counter


I walked out the store and got into my black matted ranger rover . I was about to start the car , when I got a call .

"Aye Meek waddup "? Omelly asked

"Nothing I'm about to go back and chill at my house. Why"?

"Because , I got some bad bitches coming threw tonight , and one pacificly asked for you ".

"First of all its specifically". I said correcting him "Secondly you know I'm not fucking with them dirty ass bitches ".

"Aww come on man you know you want to fuck with em' ".

"Yea i do but I'm not about to do shit with them . You know I'm still fucking with nic ". I said mainly trying to convince myself

"Boul you know I was routing for y'all , but you know she not fucking with you ".

"Yea thanks for the support ". I said shaking my head

"My bad . But you know what ? Just text her and see wassup".

"Nah ion even think I did shit this time ".

"Just be the bigger man nigga! If not call me back when you change your mind ".


And with that I hung up .

Of course I've been thinking about nic like crazy . That was the love of my life . The air I breath and than some . Shit happened so quick , I don't remember why we broke up. But this was the longest we've been without talking .

Before pulling off I unlocked my phone , pressed the message icon , and scrolled all the way down to "My Wifey 😩💛💍🍑". The last message she sent was "I hate you" and reading that hurt me to the point you can't imagine. I pressed the text box and typed " hey ". She hasn't texted or call maybe she moved on , Half of me started to press the backspace but other half wanted to press send

"Fuck it ".

- hey .

Excuse any mistakes - shy 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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