"What about breakfast?" she asked. "You need to eat something."

"Not this morning. I have to hurry. I'll pick up something on the way," he promised and rushed out.

Xavier knew the guys would be waiting impatiently. He'd told them he'd be on time. Fooling around with Woodrow had made him late. The boy was trouble and he hoped he'd leave again. At least none of them would have to put up with him if he left. Sure, his mom would worry, but she'd worry more with him in the house. She'd have to worry about him stealing them blind, that included going through her purse, ramshacking drawers, selling things from under their noses.

Xavier felt Woodrow was better off at home, but they were all better off when he was in the streets. Xavier made the promise that the next time Woodrow made off with something of his, brother or not, he was going to plant his foot in his ass.

The last time Woodrow left, he'd stolen Xavier's new stereo system and compact disc player, the family's VCR, along with $450 dollars in cash. He came back later and hot-wired the van. They later found out he'd sold it for $500. The vehicle had been worth thirteen thousand dollars. Selling for such a small amount showed Woodrow's desperation.

Xavier's guess was that Woodrow had run out of money and out of ways of ripping people off. He'd probably shacked up with some girl for the four months he'd been away. Xavier was sure that the money had run out long before Woodrow stumbled back home looking and smelling worst than a derelict.

Xavier shook his head of all thoughts of his brother when he saw Peter, The Mean Kid, Mike, and Tim waiting for him. Peter didn't mention time but he did glance at his watch and back at Xavier.

"Sorry I'm late," he apologized. "More trouble on the home front," he explained.

"What is it?" Mike asked. He wasn't concerned, just nosey.

"Woodrow stumbled back home last night," Xavier said. He wasn't ashamed to tell the guys. After all, they had grown up with Woodrow and knew what kind of a fix he was in.

"How is he, man?" Peter asked sincerely.

"Not good at all. The boy look like he been to hell and back." He shook his head. "And he's still asking for more drugs. When will he learn? When will any of them learn?" He got a faraway look in his eyes and the group knew he was no longer with them mentally.

"I want to know what BTO is going to do next," Mike said impatiently. He didn't care about Woodrow or Xavier's feelings.

"Just chill, man," Tim said. "Give him time to pull it together."

"He should already be together. Things aint' going too slick with my family either, but you don't see me snapping out of reality."

"Just shut up," Peter snapped. "We're all anxious to get things rolling, but we're also concerned about X. If you can't deal with it, walk."

"You got too much mouth anyway," The Mean Kid added.

Mike got nervous. He was okay as long as just Peter and Tim were on his case, but Donnell didn't play. He was sure that he'd gone too far now.

"I guess I do talk too much sometimes," he replied, trying to make amends. "I'll learn to control it."

"You better or I will," Xavier snapped. His brain registered what was going on. "I think it's high time that you and me had it out, Mike." He jabbed his index finger into the other boy's chest. "I get the feeling that you think I'm incompetent. You don't want me as the leader of this group. Before BTO goes any further we have to settle this." He began to roll up his shirt sleeves.

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