Chapter 10 - A New Matchmaker: OctaScratch

Start from the beginning


"FINE!"  And with that, Vinyl Scratch slammed the door hard.

All alone in the house, Octavia sorrowfully murmured to herself, "...Fine."
Flash back over
"And I've been waiting for Vinyl ever since then.  To try to make amends for being so forceful like that."

It becomes very quiet after Octavia sadly finished her story.  I couldn't do anything for her but just sit there and listen.

"You know... a long time ago, I didn't have that many friends when I was a filly."  Octavia reminisces.  "I was quite shy back then, and was often bullied a lot."

"But then, somepony stepped up for me." Octavia starts to smile a bit.  "She had the wildest hairstyle I have ever seen, and that carefree grin that nopony can ever match.  That was when I first met Vinyl Scratch.  We were quite the opposite pair, but we became inseparable ever since then.  No matter how many times we would argue, fight, or gripe with one and another, we would still be there for each other no matter what.  She became my first friend, and eventually the best friend I could ever ask for."  It's nice to see Octavia beginning to cheer up from those happy memories she was telling me about.

"And now..."  Octavia starts to grieve as she sheds new tears.  "Now she'll probably never want to speak to me ever again!  And it's all because I was trying to have her come with me to some ridiculous reception!"

She couldn't contain herself anymore.  Octavia plops herself onto a nearby pillow and tries to muffle her never-ending tears.  Upon seeing her display of constant sorrow, I knew that there is only one way to end this nightmare for her.

"Octavia.  Would you excuse me for a moment?  I'll be back as soon as I can." I said softly to her.  The weeping mare could only just nod her head while she is still trying to silence her sobbing.  I quietly leave her to her sorrow as I close the door behind me.
If Vinyl Scratch was going out for a drink, she didn't have that many places to choose from in Ponyville compared to Canterlot.  So searching for her shouldn't be much of a problem.  I looked through each local club, pub, and tavern, but I couldn't find her yet.  There is only one possible location left to check out: the same techno club where I first met Octavia and Vinyl Scratch.

Inside the familiar establishment, I briskly look around for Vinyl.  And to my relief, I see the white DJ pony sitting at the bar.  Right in front of her is that nice barmaid who first welcomed me to the club.  Once the barmaid waves at me upon my arrival, Vinyl turns around to see me, and her initial frown flips into a grinning smile.

"Mustang!  My main stallion!  What's happening?!" Vinyl welcomes me cheerfully.  As I get closer to meet up with Vinyl, I couldn't help but notice the amount of emptied bottled beers right next to her.

"Uh... Vinyl?"  I inquire.  "How many of those beers did you drink tonight?"

"Hmm..." Vinyl examines her last bottle she was just finishing up.  "Don't know.  I've lost count along the way.  But hey!  Now that you're here, the fun has been doubled!  Ooo!  Ooo!  We should do some shots together!"

"Bartender!" Vinyl calls out to her.  "A round of shots for my new best friend right here!"

I look at my good barmaid friend, and she looks back at me with uncertainty.  I recognize that look.  It's the kind of look that says, "I don't think I should serve her anymore drinks at this point."  I simply nod to the barmaid lightly as it's time for me to step in.

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