ch. 6

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the next day, not a single feeling of stress comes over me- I'm excited for the day ahead. I guess it must be all the time I've spent with Fonzie- he rubs his positivity all over me. As I enter the Home and Away studios, Fonzie is the first person I see and as his eyes meet mine, I get a tingle rush through my body- butterflies almost. I'm acting like a kid in love, but not in a relationship kinda way- in a brotherly sorta way. See, I've never felt this way before about anything before. I never knew you could care so much about someone you've only just met. I trace my mind back to our first encounter. I like to think of it that when I first saw Fonzie, I felt a spark and, he smiled because he knew. My thoughts are broken due to a loud 'HEY BRUV' by Fonzie himself. He jumps towards me and greets me with a hug, his face so close to mine, adrenaline racing through me. I almost thought he was going to kiss me. He releases and notices my blushed complexion and seems confused. But who am I kidding, we are just friends.
The day flies with time escaping me, and just as I'm about to leave the studio, Fonzie calls out to me 'Chris hold up!! Before you leave, I want you to open this, I bought you something!'
I hesitantly take the gift wrapped up, well... very uniquely and decide to open the card first. I open the card to see an edited photo of me, Fonzie, Ritchie Ollie and Cameron Dallas on the front. I burst out laughing and Fonzie joins. Last time we were together, me and him spoke about our squad goals and sure enough, he made me a card with it on there. I then go on to expose the Black Sabbath T-shirt Fonzie bought me!
'NO WAY BRUV THIS IS MY FAVOURITE BAND!!!!' I say and 'I LOVE YOU SO MUCH'. As soon as the last words leave my mouth, I instantly blush and look up-slightly embarrassed as it may have been too soon. But Fonzie didn't seem to notice- he had the biggest smile on his face.
In this moment, i felt so alive and at that moment, I realised that we've got to live before we get older and do what we want- we've got nothing to lose. When I'm with Fonzie, I feel like I can shake off the weight of the world off my shoulders because I've got nothing to prove. And I know, this is the beginning of something amazing...

• isabella

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