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             ^Aj and Matthew in the media^

"Momma why I gotta go to school with Aj?" I asked. "I don't wanna go to school with that nigga!" I yelled.

"Boy yell at me again I dare you! Imma cut yo' thick ass eyebrows off yo' face! And you going to school with him because your father and I said so! And I dare you to cuss at me again!" She yelled in my face.

"You doing to damn much." I mumble walking away.

"What was that?!" She yelled.

"Nothing." I lied. I've never understood how parents can hear you mumbling under your breath from a mile away but can't hear you scream 'yeah' at the top of your lungs from yo' room when they call you.

I walked upstairs to my room only to hear my mom and dad arguing. My dad is a Preacher at our church, but what I don't understand is how he can preach about how having affairs and abusing women is wrong but he do that on a daily basis.

He's always hitting my mom because she won't do everything he tells her to do. And because she's always telling him how he's wrong for abandoning Aj and not being in his life. He always replies with "Your lucky I'm even in Matthew's life." Well I don't want him in my life sometimes I wish he would just die or go with his other no good ass son Aj.

Me and Aj have fought and tried to kill each other on so many occasions. I hate him with a passion, but one thing we both can agree on is how much we wish our dad wasn't around and would jump off a cliff and die.

I heard a big boom noise downstairs and my mother scream really loud and pleading for help. I grabbed my metal bat and ran downstairs.

"The fuck is you doing to my momma?!" I yelled. Swinging the bat but missing because he ducked.

"Vuelve arriba Matthew." My dad yelled.
Translation:"Go back upstairs Matthew."

"Hell nah!" I swung the bat again, hitting him in his side. I hit him again but this time in the back. I drop the bat and starting beating him as bad as he was beating my mom, taking all my anger out on him. "Hit another female bitch ass nigga!" I spit in his face, watching him plead for help.

I walked over to my mom,holding her. "Mama you okay?" I asked. I watch as she held her stomach and out of nowhere blood started coming from down there. "Take me to the hospital." She cried. "Fuck." I mumbled under my breath. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

"This is 911 what is your emergency."

"My mom was beaten into a mis-carriage and she's all bruised up. We need an ambulance."I said into the phone.

"Okay. What's the address."

I told them the address and hung up. "Ma it's gone be okay." I mumbled.

"I swear to God I'm going to kill you, you fucking bastard. I hope you die in your sleep tonight or get ran over by truck! Fuck my stomach hurts!" She yelled.

I looked over at my dad seeing he was unconscious I smirked thinking about what I did. All 15 years of my life he's been a pain in the ass. I can't stand him I hope he dies right now.

Moments later the ambulance came and took my mom to the ER and they took my bitch ass dad to the hospital to.

But I left before they got there and went to my friend Kayla house because I knew that they were going to witness him being badly bruised, and I also know I couldn't hide from this forever.They were going to put two and two together sooner or later.

"Hey Ms. Regina."

"Hey baby how you been?" Kayla's mom asked, hugging me tightly, making me laugh.

"I ain't gone even lie to you ma I been kind of down lately. My pops tripping again. Him and my momma got into it and he was hitting her, so me and him fought. Long story short they both in the hospital." I tell her keeping it short.

"Don't worry about it he gone get his baby Karma is a bitch and what goes around comes around. You reap what you sow." She tells me.

"Is there some way you can adopt me, so I won't have to put up with all of that?And the funny thing about it is my mom goes crawling back to him like it's normal." I say.

"Well your mama had been through a lot. Me and her had multiple talks and it's a reason she's the way she is,but let's not get into that right now. It's a lot of stuff you don't know and won't understand yet. But you need to have a talk with your mama, hopefully she tells you everything." She says.

"Tell me what? What is it that I don't know?" I question.

"You'll have to ask her yourself it's not my place to tell you. You hungry? I have some steak,mash potatoes, and carrots on the stove." She offered.

"Nah, I'm good I have to go get some school clothes, but would you mind if I come back and spend the night here for a few days?" I asked.

"Yea sure." She agreed.

"And can Kayla come with me?" I asked.

"Yep. Kayla come downstairs!" She yelled.

Kayla walked down the stairs and headed to the living room where we were and she immediately attacked me with a hug. "I missed you so much!" She said, while hugging on to me tighter.

"I missed you to baby girl. You wanna go shopping?" I asked her.

"Yep." She excitedly said.

"Alright get ready I'm about to get us a uber." Damn I can't wait until I turn 16 next month so I can get a car and don't have to take this slow ass uber.
"What shoes you tryna' get so we can match?" I asked Kayla.

"I want the new Bordeaux 12s and the Jordan retro 5s in blue and red." She answered.

"Alright lets go get 'em."

We got our shoes and walked out the store, running into the person I least expected to run into to. My brother Aj.

"The fuck yo' broke ass doing here?" I asked.

"Move I'm not in the mood for your shit today. Just because dad takes care of you and your mom and left my me and my mom knowing we didn't have money doesn't make you better than me." He shoved me.

"I didn't know you had a brother." Kayla says.

"Yea, he coming to our school tomorrow." I shrugged my shoulders."

"Why don't you guys like each other?"She asks.

"Long story." I answer, not wanting to explain all of that.

We got everything we needed and wanted and took an uber to get home. "I'm sleepy so I'm gonna go head up to your room and go to bed." I tell Kayla.

"Alright I'll be up there in a minute." She says.

"K." I walked upstairs, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and took my shirt and jeans off, throwing on some basketball shorts I had in her room. I walked back into her room, seeing her laying in the bed flipping throw channels.

"That was quick."

"Yea I know." She chuckled.

I got in the bed and cuddled with her. I need this after everything that happened today.

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