Help me Daddy (5)

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"A sad soul can kill quicker than a germ."

-John Steinbeck 


Help me Daddy

Daddy, Daddy, help me.

I was still alone and lonely;

They still didn’t play with me;

Instead they laughed at my agony;

Whenever I was being tripped by somebody;

I didn’t see it daddy, I was not aware;

The way I walk, they all stared;

My hip daddy, It hurts, I swear.

I washed the wound in the restroom;

No one was there, but not too soon;

The mark was clear, the cause of my agony;

Is it true daddy? Am I really ugly?

A girl saw me and smiled at me;

She picked up a bottle from her bag;

She said it’ll heal the wound that’s bad;

And I let her daddy and I hope I did not.

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