School play and buttholes

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Alright I haven't been on here in a while, but this is gonna be a rant, plus, I'm bored.

Soooo I'm in the school play and I play a decent part. Well one of my best friends is in it too, and I like to hang out with him.

BUT the sad part is, this guy. I used to be really good friends then he said I was too uch drama bla bla bla and he's not really allowed to talk to me anymore. But he was in drama last year and, even though he went to highschool, he helps out and comes to practice sometimes. The guy thats one of my best friends is also really great friends with the guy that is not allowed to talk to me. You see what I'm getting at?

To make this easier, Imma call my best friend nice guy and the guy that can't talk to me mean guy.

ANYWAYS, whenever mean guy is there, I can't hang out with nice guy because mean guy and nice guy always hang out. and whenever I try to talk to nice guy while mean guy is there, he either can't talk or wants to hang out with mean guy or he's sad that mean guy left. soooo IDK if that made sense, but theres my rant. bye.

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