Adam gaped for a moment for responding, "Adam. Adam Winchester."

"Hello Adam. Do you require any assistance?"

"Um," Adam said, looking around, "not at the moment, no. Do you want to do anything?"

Michael tilted his head to the side, climbing out of the crate. "What do you mean by 'want'?"

It took Adam longer than it should have to realize that Michael was still an android, not a human being (despite his looks). "I mean, is there anything you desire to do at this moment?" he asked, feeling ridiculous for talking like Castiel, but that seemed the only way to phrase it at the moment.

"Desire?" Michael asked, looking even more confused.

Adam huffed before smiling, reaching over to grab the jacket he had strewn over the couch earlier that morning. He put it on, stretching. Adam didn't notice Michael stare at a patch of skin revealed when his shirt was lifted up, or that Michael was staring at the human with something akin to emotion in his eyes. "Did they program you with knowledge of Windom?" Michael shook his head, causing Adam to chuckle. "C'mon, let's go exploring and seeing what you like." And that's how Adam spent his twenty-fifth birthday, with the android his brothers had gotten him. By the time they got home late that evening, Adam had completely forgotten that he never wanted the android to begin with.


Minutes turned into days, days turned into weeks, weeks to months, and before Adam notices it six months have passed since Michael had become part of his life. Not that he would ever admit it to anyone, but Adam really had been lonely. His job never really let him find someone to make a meaningful connection with. But with Michael, he finally found someone he felt like he could be himself with. It wasn't until one morning when he caught himself staring at Michael for longer than was appropriate that Adam realized with horror that he may be developing feelings for the android. And that he considered Michael more human than the other humans that he'd come into contact with in his life. He was kind, intelligent, caring, curious and full of wonder. Michael was always fascinated with even the smallest things, things Adam had grown used to in his life that they just became part of the background. Michael made him remember all the things he used to love as a kid, like playing soccer and drawing. The android made him remember what being human was all about, something that Adam had forgotten about during his time in medical school. Adam was pulled from his thoughts by a knock on the door. Michael went to open the door, revealing Castiel. "Hello, Michael," Castiel greeted with a warm smile. "Is Adam ready?"

Adam stood up. "Ready." To Michael: "I'll be back in a little while. Don't get too bored without me," he said jokingly.

"I will try not to," Michael said, looking far sadder than an AI unit should. Adam brushed it off, following Castiel down the stairs to the streets below. Everyone was bustling by, tablet in hand and eyes not really paying attention to their surroundings. Adam and Cas walked in amiable silence to a small café that wasn't a Starbucks, entering the cozy little shop. B.E.N.N.Y. greeted the two with an artificial smile before he began to make them their regulars. After paying, they chose a small corner to sit in and catch up. Adam and Cas had met during high school, both of them the outcasts in the class. While Adam had gone into the medical field, Castiel had decided to become a robotics technician, the field complementing Dean's mechanic-type job. After a while of talking they lulled into a comfortable silence. Unlike most people in 2040, they didn't always have the need to talk. Yet Adam found himself missing Michael, a sensation he had become used to in recent months. Castiel seemed to notice this, and he looked around before leaning closer to Adam. The young doctor in turn leaned closer as well, not sure where Castiel was going with this. "If I tell you a secret, will you promise to keep quiet?" Adam nodded. He'd never betray his best friend! "What if I told you that we came up with a way to give androids emotions, and yours is the prototype?"

Adam blinked, and blinked some more. Some horrible Zayn Malik song came on in the background, snapping Adam out of his shock. "Are you serious?" Castiel nodded, looking excited. "But that's leaps and bounds ahead of modern technology!" he said in a hushed tone.

"That's what people without advanced biotechnology degrees tend to think," Cas joked, smiling. "But do you know what this means? It means you and Michael can be together!"

Adam gave Cas a look before he started laughing hysterically, the other patron too busy to notice the emotional breakdown that was going to happen in their mists. When he managed to calm down, Adam said this through his giggles of heartache: "That's a nice sentiment, Cas. But even if Michael could actually feel emotions, he certainly wouldn't feel them for me of all people. I have nothing to offer him! What would be the point?"

Castiel opened his mouth, but Adam cut him off with a glare. The conversation ended shortly after that, Adam downing the rest of his coffee before leaving in a huff. He knew he had no right to be mad at Cas, but he couldn't help it. He had only just figured out he had emotions for Michael, and he didn't need an unrealistic hope thrown at him. He didn't need any more reminders that he couldn't be with the man he loved. Before Adam knew it, he was unlocking the door to his apartment. What he wasn't expecting was to be thrown into the door, a very pissed off android in front of him. Before Adam could open his mouth, Michael's was on top of his, pressing the most searing kiss into Adam's mouth. Adam's eyes opened wide, his first instinct to pull the android closer. But he ignored it, trying to push the android away from him. Michael relented after a few moments, giving Adam a soul-piercing look. "Before you say anything," Michael said, intercepting whatever Adam was about to say, "I actually have emotions, just like Castiel told you. He messaged me, and I wish to tell you that you do have something to offer to me. You taught me how to deal with my emotions, how to live... how to love. And for that I will forever be grateful. But I wish to point out that you were the one who told me that love is illogical, and that is what we have. And I wish to spend the rest of the time we have here with you. Will you allow me? Will you allow yourself?"

Adam didn't know what to say, so he decided to kiss his android silly. He'd always been a man of action anyway.

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