Chapter two

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The day went like blur, I didn't concentrate on anything, I was easily hurt, and I hate it.
I sighed, as I walked home, passing by people and cars, passing by lovers, best friends, and a happy family. How I wished to be like them.
How could I have a best friend or at least a friend, when the only one i had betrayed me.
And to someone love me, is completely and utterly impossible, and you already know the reason why.
And to have a happy family.. well, I have a family, but, not the happy one.
I sighed, again, keeping the thoughts aside.
As I reached to home, which I would like to call it as 'hellhole', just like school, they have many similarities.
I softly knocked on the door, and waited for someone to open for me the door.
I know what are you thinking. That why aren't you using the doorbell?.
Well, we actually don't have one, since my younger brother James, got electrified by it.
I huffed, impatiently, waiting for the door to be open and go to bed.
I knocked again. Harder.
Without any waiting, the door was opened.
"Hey," I said, facing mom to greet her.
"Hey sweetie," my mom said, smiling lovingly at me, which I returned with a small, tired smile.
"How was school?," she asked, while going to the kitchen to finish preparing lunch.
"It was alright," I shrugged, not wanting the memories to haunt me again, that will make my stomach sick.
As I walked with her to the kitchen, and to see a piece of chocolate, which I grabbed it, and started eating it.
"Um, sweetie, that's for your brother," my mom said, while she turned to me, so, her back will not face me.
As I made a quiet 'oh', I put the piece of chocolate into its place.
"How about open the refrigerator and collect some fruits and veggies? That's more helpful for your body.," she said, smiling a small smile, somewhat trying to encourage me.
And it irritates me.
My family always was trying to make me lose weight, I mean, it's kind of them to think of me, but, don't you think it's none of their business?
It's me. Who decides whether I lose weigh or not. Even, if I'm bullied, I don't care. They're not worth it anyways.
And it's my life, and I'm mature enough to make my own decisions.
Shaking my head, I turned around and walked through the hallways, and to my bedroom. Finally.
I sighed, loudly, letting myself fall to my lovely, soft bed.
The room was dull, like it was a cave or something. And I didn't like it.
I got up from bed to open the curtains and let the shinning light, as I opened the purple with black lines curtain, I saw the window of the most person I hate. Besides, Emma And the bullies.

Quinn Robertson.

The one who betrayed me. The one who used me to get to her goals.
When she moved a year ago, I was hella nervous to talk to her, too afraid that she'll be against me as well.
But, it was a shock for me, when she came to me one day, while I was walking to school and said that she wants to be friends with me. I was glad. So fucking glad.
But I was so stupid that someone as pretty as her will be with someone as ugly as me.
She only wanted to be friends with me to complete her goals.
Wanna tell you the goals? Sure.

She wanted my father.
My father wasn't those old men that already have grey hair and wrinkles under their eyes.
He didn't have grey hair, but, I can't lie that he have grey strands here and there.
And his build up body, and muscular, strong arms.
She only used me for that. And when she got the chance to be introduced to my parents as my 'friend', she started an affair with my father.
Mother, soon, found out, when she saw a love letter in his jeans pocket.

And the family we once had. It's broken. And that what makes me to eat a lot to be honest.
I was devastated that I was the one who gave her permission to enter my home, and break my family apart.

It was all my fault.
Fat girl problem number 2: family.

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