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"Mom! I cant breath!" I said as my mom tied my kimono.
"Too bad. Im just glad your actually attending a festival. And as for this, do you realy want it to off the chest?" I shook my head. "Now whats the catch?"
"Its just been a while since ive participated in a festival. I want to see why i enjoyed them as a kid." My mom smiled and i left with my money.
After a bit i saw yamato at a booth with a gun in hand. "Hey yamato." I said with a smile. He nodded as he shot again and was given a prize.
"Didnt expect to see you here nakia."
"Whats that supposed to mean?"
"Your just shy when we all gather together."
"Im still getting used to being around large groups of people again." I said.
"Have you ran into the others yet?" I shook my head.
"I'll look out for them." I said waving to yamato. I began to look around a bit more and soon saw candy apples. I guess i didnt see tamaki cause he surprised me by poking my side a bit. I jumped a bit and saw tamaki with a candy apple.
"Naki-chan, want a bite?" He asked holding it out with a smile. I took a small bite and it was pretty good.
"Thanks tamaki!" I said with a smile as well. I then noticed that his kimono was a bit loose. Some of his chest and stomach was showing and he also wore a necklace with the letters M and P on it. Mezzo piano? I got a smile in return of my thanks. We then began to wander around a bit and he had us stop by every booth that had sweets though. And when he saw i had wandered off to a game thats prize was a stuffed cat i had already gotten the kitty.
"You realy like cats huh?"
"Just as much as you like sweets." I said and hugged the cat and then yawned.
"How about we find a spot to sit for a bit." I nodded and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed onto his sleeve and let him leed me to a bench to sit down for a bit. I ended up resting my head on his arm but he still didnt say anything.
"Hey, tamaki, ever since we met, youve never had a problem with me touching you. Why is that?"
"I guess i dont mind it." I nodded and yawned again.
"Im gonna head home. Im getting tired." He nodded and stood up and he walked with me till he got a bit too distracted. When i got home, my mom had obviously gone to sleep and now its my turn. I changed into sweat oants and a sweat shirt that i stole from my older brother before he moved out and to finland. Why finland, i dont know! I fell onto my bed with my new stuffed cat and almost fell asleep. Konner layed on my head and that woke me up. I pushed him so he was on my pillow and fell asleep and only woke up when i smelled breakfast. "Have fun at that festival?" I nodded.
"I won a kitty cat from one of the games." I yawned.
"Still tired?" I nodded. "You and tamaki seem to be realy good friends huh?" I nodded.
"Why? What are you planning?" I asked.
"Nothing. Im just glad you have a friend thats not your cat."
"I have seven friends that arent my cat actually." I said. "Tamaki, sogo, yamato, riku, iori, mitsuki, and nagi." I said still realy tired.
"I think ive heard those names before. I just cant remember where."
"For iori and mitsuki, their parents run a cake shop." I said.
"Not that. The bunch of them...... i think i know. I believe they are a group of idols."
"Arent idols normally girls?"
"Sometimes guys are idols too." I nodded and then my mom moved my breakfast and i fell asleep on the table. When i woke up, it was around three.
"Nakia, since your up, mind running to the store and pick up a few things for dinner?" My mom asked from the kitchen.
"Not at all. Give me a list and let e get dressed." I said. I got dressed and when i for the list i left for the store. When i passed a shop i saw tamaki eating some pudding. I waved and went into the store and got everything my mom needs for dinner and when i saw that tamaki was still there, i went up to him.
"What cha got there?"
"King pudding." He said taking another bite.
"Why pudding?"
"Because king pudding is the best kind of pudding there is and it makes a good snack." He replied. "Want to try some?" He asked and i shook my head.
"Thanks but no thanks. I have to be heading home."
"Not even a little?" I shook my head and he put the spoon by my mouth and i back away. "I guess you wont be abke to try the best pudding in the world."
"Maybe some other time." I said waving the best i could.
When i got home i put the bags on the counter and my mom made sure i got every thing on the list.
"Why do you need so much food?"
"A few friends are coming over for a dinner party."
"Thanks for warning me so i can eat and head back to my room." I said going to my room. I out my song notebook and began to write a bit in it. Ive decided i would take up the offer in writing the boys a song and i have an idea. Its gonna be about all the times we've had together so fad but its gonna take some time to write. Well its gonna be indirect about all the times we have had. Still. It will take a lot of time to write.

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