Chapter One

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Chapter One

Why do people tell lies? Whether it be for good or bad, I've always wondered this question. I know not all lies are negative, but who decided that lies would come about?

And how come only humans tell lies? Do animals do the same, or are they always just honest?

If I were normal, I probably couldn't care less about these deep thoughts. Yet, the concept of lies is something I must deal with every day of my life, whether I like it or not.

I find myself overwhelmed with the number of lies people tell in just the span of twenty four hours.

"I hope you have a good day,"


Well, someone's a fake friend.

"You look nice"


What, jealous?

"I would never lie to you,"

Psh, lie.

"I love you,"

Sadly, lie. Someone's been cheating.

"I hate you,"

Obviously not true. I just saw you all over him a few seconds ago.

As I take notice of the many people going on with their daily conversations, I can't help but glare.

Lie. The word repeats itself over and over again in my head as the letters jumble up into one big mess. I can't escape from the voice and the letters as they take over the last sanity left in my head.

UGH SHUT UP, I internally shout. I was getting a headache, which wasn't anything new, especially in huge crowds. I mean honestly, can't people afford to tell the truth every once in a while.

"I think I'm going insane," I say out loud to no one in particular. It was really starting on my nerves, so that's why I tend to stay away from those evil street caravans. However, there was no avoiding the fact that I have to pass by them every day on my way back from wherever.

Of all places to live, of course it had to be near a busy street with various shops.

Jewelry store? You got it. Pizza parlor? Of course. And to top it off, why not have me live in a café? Peaceful place to have a nice cup of coffee and relax, right? Ha, if only. The only time I get to relax is alone in the separate section upstairs of Quinn's café.

Boy, I really need to tone down my inner sarcasm though. Even though I complain to myself in the inside, it feels good to help out Quinn.

She's really strong and independent. She's basically the only person I trust. She doesn't lie like other people excluding the white lies. We may not be biologically related, but she's one of the very few people I've opened up to.

I trust her the most. She was honest and told me that she was my foster mother. Being the curious small child I was, I of course asked her what happened to my "real parents."

She told me my mother died, but she never told me how. I didn't think to ask and I'd rather not know. I mean it doesn't make much sense to become depressed over someone you don't remember.

My father apparently was no longer fit to take care of me, so foster care it was.

However, even though Quinn is the closest person to me, I've never told her about me. Ever since I could first remember, I've always had the voice telling me what was not true. The voice would simply state lie. It doesn't mean I can read minds though. The person has to say the lie out loud.

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