Chapter Twenty-Three: A Dream & A Number

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I began to panic a little because I felt trapped. 

And to make it even worse, a loud alarm began going off. Everything was flickering red from time to time as the alarm continued. 

"Harry!" I finally shouted with my voice into the hallway. 

He's gone. 

He can't be gone.

Why would he leave me?

. . .



I opened my eyes and took in a gasp of air. I sat up in a hurry, my heart pounding against my chest. I looked at the place I was in. 

I'm in my room. 

Everything seems to be in place. 

Except. . .

"Harry," I stated. He was sitting on the edge of my bed next to me as he shut off my alarm. He looked completely bewildered by my sudden action. "What? What are you doing here? Did we go to school yet? What the hell?"

"Um, no. I actually came to pick you up but your mum said you weren't up yet so she sent me to wake you up," Harry sat up straight, folding his arms. "We are about to go to school, if that's what you want to know. You were also calling me. In your thoughts and words."

"It's not what you think," My eyes widened as I felt a really, really warm heat burst in my cheeks. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?"

"N-Nothing. It was just a bad dream, I guess," I brushed my flat hair to my side and let out a deep sigh. "It was. . . really scary. I dunno."

"I was in your bad dream? That's reassuring," Harry chuckled. "You better get ready. We have to leave in 10. I'll drag you to school in your PJs if I have to."

"I'd like to see you try," I teased. 

He grins before standing up and grabbing my ankle. I rethink my choices. 

"You know what? I think I will get ready," I say quickly. "Now get out unless you want a show."

"Oh. I'm intrigued. We can use that old baseball bat of yours as a pole, you know? Hang it from the ceiling and attach another baseball bat to the bottom of the first," Harry begins. 

I throw my head back in laughter. "That's the worse idea ever. Now go away. I only have ten minutes to change. Go bother my mum or something."

"Will do," Harry salutes me before sauntering out of my room.

I wait for the door to close before throwing my self on my bed, face first, and letting out a quiet wail.


"So, I think I have an idea," I mumble as loud as I could. "How about this; there are two people whose souls were bonded and they've always found each other every time they've been reincarnated. We could create a story of one of their past lives or a future one and make then sort of remember each other."

"That's. . . That's actually a great idea," Elliot said happily, beginning to write it down. I felt relieved and proud at the same time. "That's awesome actually. How'd you come up with it?"

"It just came to me I guess," I shrugged.

I actually got it from Tumblr. 

But he doesn't need to know that.

"I actually really like this idea of yours," Elliot stated. "We should probably choose an idea by tomorrow since it's almost the end of the week."

I looked up at Elliot, the glance lasting only a few seconds before I looked back down and struggled against myself to keep from blushing. I nodded in response. 

"I also had this plan. It's okay if you don't want to go along with it but just hear me out, yeah?" Elliot said. "How about I come over your house or you come to mines to work on our project tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday."

Wait a minute. 

Am I hearing alright?

"We can begin planning out the story and writing it. I would really love your assistance because I suck at writing," Elliot lightly laughs. 

Are you kidding me?

Is this another dream like the one with Harry? It must be. 

I have to punch myself—wait no, it's pinch. Pinch myself. 

Oh god, I can't even think straight anymore.

Hah, straight.
I'm not.

Oh Jesus.

"I—I, I guess," I stammer embarrassingly enough. I am not ready for this next level advancement. I can barely look at him much less take him home. 

What will my mum think? 

Me, bringing handsome guys to the house.

First Harry, now. . . 

"Are you sure it's okay? Because we don't have to do—"

"Yeah. Its cool. Definitely cool. It's great. Really. I am on board for this. Most definitely. We can like chill and stuff. Eat snacks and just, like, chill. Just like. . . bros," I trailed off so much at the last part it was barely audible. 

DID I really just say that?

I need to throw myself out the nearest window asap. 

I'm friendzoning my own self. 

My whole body was warm. It was blushing from head to toe. I could not believe I just said all of that unnecessary stuff to Elliot.

"Great," Elliot said, acting as if nothing was wrong. He tore off a little piece of the paper we were working on and wrote down some digits. He passed it to me swiftly. 

"Here's my number. Text me if you want me to come over."

I got his number. 

I. Got. His. Number. 

In a rush of excitement, I looked up and accidentally made eye contact with Harry again. He was sitting slumped in his seat, his legs stretching all the way to Daisy's space while his arms were crossed over chest. He has a small frown on his face but once he saw me look at him he rose his eyebrows and looked away quickly. 

I think I'm going to explode.


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