Chapter 3 - The End of a Very Long Day

Comenzar desde el principio

"Who?!  Huh?!  What?!  Where?!" I panicked while turning my head all around to see where I was at this time.

"Sorry for the teleportation spell."  Twilight says warmly.  "I figure that this is the best place to discuss our matters in private."

I finally settled down, and got a better look at where I was taken.  It looks like a luxurious bedroom that you can only find at suites or castles.  And seeing how some of the décor bear the same symbol as Princess Twilight's Cutie Mark, this place must be her own chambers.  We're probably in Canterlot's royal castle right now.  And by looking at how dim the room is as well as by looking out of the window, it's the start of nightfall right now.

"Please, have a seat." Twilight gestures over to the tea table where plump cushions were lay across from each side.  She leads me to the table where we each take our seat on soft, cushiony pillow mats.  Using her magic, she levitates a tea pot to pour some tea into our cups.  She then floats one cup to my side of the table.  I carefully grip the delicate chinaware with my stubby hooves and manage to get a sip out of the tea cup.

"Mmmm.  Thank you, Princess.  This is quite excellent." I compliment after enjoying the refreshing herbal tea.

"Please, call me Twilight." she says with a nice smile. "Now then..." She takes a sip of her tea before continuing.  "Please tell me on how I may help you."

I have to be careful on what I am about to say.  But if I'm going to get Twilight's help, I have to be honest about how I got here and where I come from.  I can't reveal anything about how there's an animated TV show that's based off of this world and its inhabitants.  I don't even know if there's a connection between something that is fiction in my world and something that encompasses their entire reality in their world.  The very truth about it might be earth-shattering and could have major consequences.  I take a deep breath and begin my story.

"Twilight, have you ever heard about humans before?" I start off hesitantly.

"Only through legends." the alicorn princess answers with a puzzled look.  "But there are no historical records regarding with that race."

"Well the truth is, I'm really a human.  Or, at least I was a human."

"Interesting." Twilight says with peaked curiousity.  "Please continue."

"Well, I don't know how, but in my world, I was mysteriously transported by a golden light of fire and ended up here in your world.  And not only that, but that golden light must have transformed me into the Pegasus that you see right in front of you.  I know it's hard to believe in all of this."

"Oh, I think there's some evidence to prove that your story isn't as hard to believe as you might think it is." she responds.

"What do you mean, Twilight?" I ask humbly.

"The way you grip your tea cup.  It's obvious that you are having trouble with your hooves; therefore it is most likely that you are not use to your new body as a pony.  And the lack of a Cutie Mark on your flank.  There might have been some late bloomers for colts and fillies to earn their Cutie Marks, but everypony at your estimated age has already established their own Cutie Marks by that point.  And one last important thing..."


"You seem too kind and gentle of a pony to make up a story like that." She says warmly with a gentle smile.  I blush a little from hearing her saying that.

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