Was It Really That Simple?

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"I don't know. She was wounded today, badly I think, worse than she lets on, and I just knew it. I could feel the fear of losing her. And they say Supergirl was there and saved her. And even though I was somewhere else, they probably think that I had some sort of ... connection to Supergirl."

A chink in the armor, attack their weaknesses. Lena can see why they picked today. They had hoped that they could get through to her. "But what did Alex want from you?"

"She wanted me to remember that I am Supergirl, which is, again, ridiculous, since I'm not. I think I would remember that! And Supergirl saved me once! And I don't even want to be Supergirl!"

"You don't? I thought everybody wanted to be Supergirl. I know I do from time to time."

"No! I don't. I just want to be a normal person like everybody else. I want Alex to have a normal sister. I want you to have a normal friend. Being Supergirl would just complicate everything."

Bingo. You cannot reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into. Kara doesn't want to be convinced that she's Supergirl. That's negotiation 101, you need to offer something that the other part wants, or make the other part want what you are offering. So, assume that Alex is right, and that today is the best day to strike, what can I offer Kara?

"I can see that, Kara. But don't worry, I don't think of you as a normal friend, I think of you as an amazing friend."

"Aw, thanks!"

"But think of what you could do with Supergirl's powers. I'm sure being Supergirl is complicated, but what if you just had her powers, just being Super Kara, what would you do?"

"Oh ... Fly a lot? That sounds fun. And I could help people! I'd just fly in, too fast to see, and save people. Then nobody would need to know it was me. Saved by the Super-dunnowhat. That'd make a great headline." Kara laughs.

"Why do you think Supergirl does what she does?"

"Oh, I guess she wants to help people too. I think ..."

And that's where the spell finally has to capitulate. Kara trying to think like Supergirl is just too close to Kara thinking as Supergirl, and keeping the two apart becomes too much for the already strained remains of the spell. Like a string pulled beyond capacity, the spell snaps and reality comes rushing back.

Kara groans and grabs her head.

"Kara? Kara! Are you OK?"

She takes off her glasses and rubs her eyes. The world is full of sounds, but Lena is sitting right here. Kara focuses on her face. "I'm OK."

Lena waits.

"Really, I'm OK."

She looks into those kind green eyes, those knowing green eyes.

"How did you know what to say?"

Lena makes a self-deprecating smile. "It wasn't that difficult, you gave me all the clues. There had to be something you wanted more than being normal, otherwise you would never have become Supergirl. And I looked at myself – I'm a Luthor, which is somewhere between a liability and a curse. There are many days where I wish I could just be normal. So why don't I? I'm sure I could disappear if I really wanted to, that's just a matter of money and connections. So what keeps me going anyway?"

"You want to help people?"

"Exactly. I would give up all this in a heartbeat if I thought I could help people better in any other way. But I can't. Noblesse oblige. And yet, Kara, you have inspired me again and again. There is no way you would not want to help people."

Kara, Just KaraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora