Godzilla x HorrorZilla x Hedorah x Gigan

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it has been 2 years since the fight with Megalodon. Godzilla and Mothra were married

"Godzilla?  wake up sleepy head its morning" Mothra said

"ahh, 5 minutes" Godzilla said

"oh come on Godzilla you have to wake up" Mothra said

"ahh, i hate mornings" Godzilla said and woke up

"i need to get a drink i'll comeback soon lovelly Mothra" Godzilla said

"oh, Godzilla dont make me blush" Mothra said with a little blush

Godzilla went to the river and drinked there

"Hello Godzilla" Someone said

"who are you!!!" Godzilla said and treched his claws

"HorrorZilla" HorrorZilla said

Godzilla looked at him he looked like himself but had different spikes that were plutonium grystals and looked a little like Zilla but didnt have the same face as Zilla.HorrorZilla shot Godzilla through a cave with his Nuclear Breath.  Godzilla came out and then shot him with his Fire Breath. HorrorZilla went through the cave were Mothra was leaving a hole on the walls. HorrorZilla stood up and charged at Godzilla and bite his hand and throwed him on the ground.Godzilla bite his tail and throw him through a forest to a mountain.

"why are you here?" Godzilla lifting him with his hand

"looking for Imithra you beast!" HorrorZilla said

"Imithra!?" Godzilla was confused

then Hedorah shot HorrorZilla and Gigan stapped Godzilla.

"Hedorah and Gigan!?!" both said confused

"yes, Godzooky!" Gigan said

"Godzooky?" HorrorZilla said laughing

"its my other name" Godzilla answered

then Godzilla shot Hedorah with his Atomic Breath.

"I'll take Hedorah you take Gigan" Godzilla said

"with pleasure!" HorrorZilla said then charged at Gigan and shot him with his Ultra Violet Ray. Godzilla shot Hedorah with his Atomic ray melting Hedorah and killing him

"well that was easy!" Godzilla said and roared in victory. HorrorZilla was owning Gigan but stoped when he saw Imithra under Gigans claws.

"Imithra what have you done to her!" HorrorZilla yelled at Gigan

"she is a divine moth like Mothra!?" Godzilla was confused

"yes, she is my love" HorrorZilla said to Godzilla

"one more step and i'll..." Gigan get to say before Mothra K.O:t Gigan

"Imithra!!!!" HorrorZilla said happy

"HorrorZilla!!!!" Imithra said and hugged HorrorZilla

"see sometimes man need help from woman too!" Mothra said laughing

"thank you Godzilla and Mothra and Godzilla want a rematch someday?" HorrorZilla said

"of course!" Godzilla said

HorrorZilla and Imithra swimed away. and Imithra can swin too

Godzilla finds LoveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat