Capitolo Due! Decimo

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Chapter Two

"Italian "

"Japanese "



You guys should know that I don't have a beta so yea~ if there's any spelling error well my bad!



Capitolo Due!



A woman was walking to a field that she had seen couple of days ago when she went out. Once she got there she saw a young boy laying on the burned patches of grass. Her maternal instincts kicked in and she ran to him. "Hey there, are you okay?" she asked. No response. "Oh no! I have to help him!" she carried Tsuna bridal style and ran to the nearest taxi that toke her to the hospital.


A Couple Hours Later~

'What's going on? Where am I?' Tsuna started moving and slowly opened his eyes, but immediately closed them once the bright light of the room and the open window hit his eyes.

Slowly he opened his eyes again but winced when the light hit his eyes once more but managed to keep them open.

The woman who took him to the hospital, though he doesn't know that, immediately stood up from her seat on the couch and rushed to Tsuna's bed side.

"Are you ok? How are you feeling? Oh I should call the doctor! Please wait a minute" she rambled and then ran out the door leaving a dumbfounded Tsuna ' what just happened?' he thought to himself.

He closed his eyes, wanting to get some rest but not even a minute later the lady came back with a doctor.

"Hello young man." he greeted " How do you feel?" Tsuna stared at the man, who was now sweating bullets under Tsuna's intense stare, though Tsuna didn't know he was doing it, before answering "I'm fine but who are you two?"

Smiling at the answer, and the fact that he stopped starting so intensely, the doctor smiled " Ah good to hear. Well to answer your question I am doctor Akito, I'm Japanese and Italian cool huh?"

"Un. And what about you miss? Who are you?" the woman also smiled " Well I'm Sawada Nana. Whoops I guess it would be Nana Sawada huh? I'm the one who brought you here"

"I see... Well, Arigatōgozaimasu!" "Its fine. I'm curious about you, may we know your name?" asked Nana.

"My name? Uh my name is..... My name is..... I-I don't know what's my name" Answered Tsuna. This shocked both the Dr. Akito and Nana. "Oh no! Amnesia! Mhm what do you know?"

"Uh.....mhm.... I can't remember..... Oh I'm thirteen...Ts-Tsuna yeah that's part of my name...I know there's more but...No that's all I remember.... That's it" signed Tsuna. "Just as I suspected" hum 'd the doctor. " What is it doctor?" asked a worried Nana. "Oh that his memories might not come back until probably a year or two"

"Oh my! Why so long? What about his family? They must be worried"

"You said you found him on a field dying, I guess he has no family. As for why its so long, well we did some medical research and...well we suspected that he might have amnesia. For some reason hus brain isn't showing any kind of recovery any time soon. We estimated that a year or two is when his memories will start to appear in form of flashbacks. We hope he can handle it. " He walked out the room leaving Nana to ponder in the news she just received.

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