Chapter 2

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Naruto's POV

As I walk away from the school I decide to go home. Most people think I live in the Red Light District but I actually live in the training grounds. My area stretches out from #30 to #125.

I change my campsite every other day so nobody can find me. Currently, I am in training ground #97. I walk until I get the gates walling off the area and then jumped over then with ease. When I get out of sight I start running. Most people wouldn't be able to survive in the woods with all the animals but with the power and killing intent I give off the animals stay away. The only animals that some within a mile of me are summoning animals. I get to my campsite and see Kurama in his human form sitting by the fire cooking some fish.

When I walk into the clearing he looks up and I say "When did you get here?"

Kurama says "Hmm about 10 minutes ago." I open my mouth and then close it.

I then say "Never mind I don't want to know." I sit down by Kurama waiting for the fish to finish. About 30 minutes later the fish and done and I start eating. Kurama reaches for one but stops and then disappears.

I sigh and say in my mind "How did they find me."

Kurama says "Whenever I'm out you give off quite a bit of chakra remember."

Then I reply "Oh yeah I guess they really want to say something if they come looking for me."

 Before Kurama can say anything seven people come into the clearing. I look at them and see Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Asuma, Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke. Shikamaru and Choji sit down and grab a fish like it was normal for them to come here. Actually, it was normal but the others didn't know that. Sakura and Sasuke cautiously sit down while trying not to make eye contact.

Then Ino walk to me saying "What are you doing out here? You're going to get killed." She pauses and then says, "No, I'm going to kill you for making Sakura cry."

Then Ino makes a hand sign specific to her clan saying "Mind Transfer Jutsu" She collapses

Asuma looks surprised and about to say something but I stop him by saying "Don't move Asuma" Asuma ignores me and makes a move toward Ino. Asuma reaches a hand toward Ino until he suddenly couldn't. He didn't have control of his body. He turns toward Naruto and sees that Shikamaru is standing up.

Asuma was confused until Shikamaru says "Shadow Possession Jutsu Complete."

Then Kakashi says, "Let him go Shikamaru."

Shikamaru replies "I can't. he disobeyed Naruto-sama." He then sits back down taking Asuma with him. Ino then wakes up starts crying when she looks at Naruto.

She says "I'm sorry Naruto." Naruto looks at Choji and gestures toward Ino. Choji nods and goes over to Ino. He kneels down and hugs Ino. Everyone thought he would let Ino cry on him but he hits Ino on the back of her head knocking her out. He props her up against a tree and went to sit back down by Shikamaru.

Sakura says "Why did you knock her out Choji?"

Choji replies "Naruto-sama wanted me to." He goes back to eating.

Sasuke opens his mouth and says "Why do you keep calling the dead last Lord. He isn't from a clan or noble family."

Shikamaru says "Naruto showed us the truth of the village."

Choji then says "He protects us from it too"

Kakashi's eyes widens and says "Did you tell them about it?"

I frown and say "I told them about him and helped them see the truth of the village and the world. I showed them evil is everywhere. I showed them the ones who cry evil, demon, monster, are the real demons and monsters."

Kakashi pales. I then say "What are you doing here?"

Before anyone can answer Kurama appears and says "Naruto get out of here. They were followed."

I jump up and say "Shit Shikamaru, Choji, let's go. The rest of you leave if you want to live." I take off with Shikamaru and Choji behind me. 

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