Fourtris fanfiction

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"Tris... Tris. Tris, Tris... Tris" murmurs a sweet voice on my ear. Am I dead? Let's start with what I can remember. My name is Beatrice prior, or Tris for short. I chose that when I arrived at Dauntless. I am in dauntless. I am divergent. There was a war. I went outside the city. There were explosions. And... Death serum.
I open my eyes to see Tobias leaning over me, dark circles under his eyes. One of his hands is cupping my face, the other is holding my hand. My eyes flutter open "tris? TRIS?! Guys! She's awake! And. And ALIVE!!!" He can't contain the joy inside of him. Tobias slaps my cheek lightly. "Can you move?" He asks. His voice giving me strength. I slur a few words and mumble "uuurrhhhhnnnmm..." I'm not sure what I was trying to say, but it sounded retarded. There is an eerie silence as the doors burst open, a group of people filed in, Christina, Caleb, Zeke, Uriah... Uriah? I point at him. "Uuhhnnnn. Yyyooouure deaaad..." I slurred. Tobias sits me upright. "He can't be. You've been in a light coma for the past few weeks. Just when they were about to unplug him, he woke up." Zeke scruffles Uriah hair lovingly. I look around the room again, Caleb walks over. "Tris. I am so sorry about everything. I am such a ..." "Pansy cake?" I muttered sarcastically. "Yes. I am a pansy cake. And I am sorry! If I didn-" "shut up. I forgive you, a little part of me always has." I smiled at him. He smiles back at me, tears running down his face and hugs me. His embrace is so warm, so reassuring. So normal... Like it always has been.
"Wait. Was I... Dead?" I asked uncertainly. It sounded stupid but I was pretty sure I died. "No. By the time we found you you had two bullets in you. I freaked out. You were in a coma for a while, but recovering. And we just managed to save you." Christina smiled, probably he first time she had in weeks. "I survived? That's nice... I like it when I do that" Everyone laughed. I hauled myself to sit up straight, my muscles protested in agony. I had to keep repeating what they told me. I survived. Uriah did too. So did Caleb. It was okay now. "How long have I been out for?" I asked. "Two weeks. And lover boy over here would not leave your side" Zeke grinned. Making kissy noises and cupping his hands into hearts. "How old are you? 10?" I scoffed. "10 and a HALF!" Him and Uriah replied at the same time proudly. High fiving each other while everyone laughed.

"Oh. Did I mention you are also an instructor at Dauntless?" Tobias smirked at me.

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